
佛山市苏尔泰电器有限公司,是一家生产壁挂炉配件、热水器配件、水暖卫浴配件等的专业制造公司,一直以来,公司秉承走专业化路线,走精品路线的原则,在专业铜质配件领域,获得了广大用户的良好口碑。 公司拥有配套的铜五金件专业生产线,近年来,公司不断加大投入,先后配置了数控设备,强化了各类铜管件展品的专业化生产平台,专业化程度得以大幅提高。公司拥有一支优秀的技术生产团队、丰富的经验及过硬的素质,确保了苏尔泰生产过程中精湛的工艺和过硬的品质,IS09001全面质量管理的运用,为公司生产的产品提供了有效的保证。 公司现生产壁挂炉套管水路、板换水路、铜接头、铜螺母、铜管、进水咀、出水咀、采暖接头、回水咀、回水阀、安全泄压阀、水路控制阀组等铜件接头阀体等产品,多年以来,我们和万家乐、华帝、万和、贝雷塔BERETTA、威能Vaillant等国内外知名壁挂炉品牌一道,在壁炉、热水器配件领域潜心钻研,不断进取,取得了可喜的成绩。 The company has a matching copper hardware professional production line, in recent years, the company continuously increasing investment, has configured the numerical control equipment, to strengthen the specialized production platform of all kinds of brass, specialization degree to be able to raise. The company has a good technical production team, rich experience and excellent quality, to ensure the exquisite technics and excellent quality in the process of production, the use of ISO9001 that provides effective guarantee for the products of the company. The company now product hydraulic circuit for sleeving boiler, plate exchanger hydraulic circuit, copper connection, copper nuts, copper pipe, inlet water nozzle, outlet water nozzle, heating water connectors, return water nozzle, return water valves, safety relief valve, water control valve group and other copper connector body products. Over the years, we concentrate our attention on studying in the fireplace and water heaters accessories fields with well-know brands both at home and abroad, such as Macro, Vatti, Wanward, BERETTA, Vaillant etc, T:086-0757-28626789


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