
   2021-03-03 中国石化新闻网


核心提示:    通讯员 据世界天然气网站3月2日消息 卡塔尔石油公司已与三星集团签订合同,扩建拉斯拉凡的液化天然

    通讯员 据世界天然气网站3月2日消息 卡塔尔石油公司已与三星集团签订合同,扩建拉斯拉凡的液化天然气储存和装载设施,作为北油气田东部项目的一部分。


    2021年2月8日,卡塔尔石油向Chiyoda Technip合资公司授予了建造四条液化天然气生产线及其相关设施的EPC合同。

    吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


    Samsung C&T bags LNG expansion deal from Qatar Petroleum

    Spanish LNG terminal operator Enagás has brought forward its decarbonisation plans.

    Qatar Petroleum has contracted Samsung C&T Corporation for the expansion of the LNG storage and loading facilities in Ras Laffan, as part of the North Field East project.

    The contract, valued at more than $2 billion (including options), was awarded on a lump sum basis and is the second major onshore EPC contract award for the NFE project.

    On the 8th of February 2021, QP awarded the EPC contract for the construction of four LNG mega-trains with associated facilities to Chiyoda Technip Joint Venture.

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