
   2021-03-02 中国石化新闻网


核心提示:    据能源世界网2月25日里约热内卢报道,巴西国有石油公司巴国油(Petrobras)周三宣布,该公司



    这一业绩足以让这家巴西最大的公司以令人惊讶的71亿雷亚尔的年利润结束这一令人震惊的年度。这可能是该公司首席执行长布兰科(Roberto Castello Branco)任内的最后一个季度。Castello Branco称这一结果是“在极具挑战性的环境下的杰出表现。




    郝芬 译自 能源世界网


    Brazil's Petrobras returns to profit in fourth quarter of 2020

    Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras, announced Wednesday it returned to profit in the fourth quarter of 2020, welcome news two days after its stock took a 20-percent nose-dive.

    Petrobras beat analysts' expectations to post a net profit of 59.9 billion reais ($11 billion, at the current exchange rate) for the period from October to December, reversing three straight quarters of losses fueled by the coronavirus pandemic.

    The result was strong enough for Brazil's biggest company to end the Covid-shaken year with a surprise annual profit of 7.1 billion reais.

    It will likely be the company's final quarter under chief executive Roberto Castello Branco,Castello Branco called the results "an exceptional performance in a very challenging environment."

    "In the middle of a severe global recession and the effects of a major shock for the oil industry, we promised to structure a J-shaped recovery," he said in a statement.

    "We have delivered on our promises."

    Analysts had been forecasting a profit of just 4.9 billion reais for the quarter.

    The result was up 635 percent from the fourth quarter of 2019, when Petrobras added $2 billion to close out a year of record net profit ($10.2 billion).

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