
   2021-03-02 互联网讯


核心提示:     据3月1日Trade Arabia消息:Enegix能源公司与巴西东北部塞阿拉州政府合作,宣布了一项Base Green

     据3月1日Trade Arabia消息:Enegix能源公司与巴西东北部塞阿拉州政府合作,宣布了一项base Green绿色氢项目,投资额为54亿美元。



    Enegix计划的新一代设施将完全使用零排放的可再生能源运行,并将利用塞阿拉拥有的巨大可再生能源潜力,实现太阳能、陆上和海上风力发电,从而使base One扩展到100吉瓦以上以满足全球需求。

    “我们与塞阿拉州政府的合作关系是该公司的重要里程碑。 base One将把塞阿拉州转变为主要的氢气出口地,并将Enegix建立成为一个全球可再生能源生产商,该合作与我们的愿景和战略相符合,以可再生、基载和低成本的零碳电网取代昂贵、高排放的电网。通过这一伙伴关系,我们计划为世界快速增长的人口创造一种新的可持续能源模式,同时减少对柴油等高碳排放燃料的依赖,并降低终端用户的成本。”创始人兼首席执行官韦斯利·库克表示。

    在建设阶段,Enegix的base One设施将创造数千个工作岗位,并将雇佣数百名全职运营人员来管理设施,这对当地社区和国家具有深远的积极社会效益。




    该项目预计需要3-4年才能完成。 Enegix与一家领先的国际工程公司和技术顾问签署了一项谅解备忘录,以进行可行性研究,并将很快获得环境和社会许可证。目前,Enegix正在寻求与投资者建立合作伙伴关系,并正在进行一轮公开融资。

    冯娟 摘译自 Trade Arabia


    Enegix to build $5.4 billion green hydrogen facility

    Enegix Energy has unveiled the base One green hydrogen project in cooperation with the State Government of Ceará, northeast of Brazil, an investment of $5.4 billion.

    Under the terms of the MoU signed with the state governor Camilo Santana, Enegix will set up the world’s largest green hydrogen plant that will produce over 600 million kg of green hydrogen per year from already contracted 3.4GW of combined baseload wind and solar power through a partnership with Enerwind.

    base One will be established in the state of Ceará and will provide a strategic location for Enegix’s renewable hydrogen production with direct access to all major international markets via ocean freight. 500 hectares of commercial land has been scoped in the Port of Pecém, a world-class deepsea port with established infrastructure and access to the required quantities of water - to enable the electrolysis process to separate hydrogen and oxygen elements.

    Enegix’s planned next-generation facility will be run completely using renewable energy with zero emissions and will harness the great renewable energy potential that Ceará has available with solar and onshore and offshore wind to be realised allowing base One to be expanded to over 100GW to meet global demand.

    “Our partnership with the Ceará State Government is a major milestone for the company. base One will turn Ceará into a major hydrogen export location and establish Enegix as a global renewable power producer aligning with our vision and strategy to replace expensive, high emission power grids with renewable, baseload, and cost-effective zero-carbon grids. Through this partnership, we plan to create a new model of sustainable energy for the world’s fast-growing population while reducing dependency and cutting end-user costs on high carbon-emitting fuel sources like diesel,” said Wesley Cooke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer.

    Enegix’s base One facility will create thousands of jobs during the construction phase and will allow for the employment of hundreds of full-time operational staff to manage the facility, with far-reaching, positive social benefits to the local community and the state.

    The planned next-generation facility will be run completely using renewable energy with zero emissions.

    Currently, humans emit 50 billion tonnes of CO2e annually into the atmosphere, a staggering figure that is up 40 per cent since 1990. base One has the potential to reduce annual CO2e emissions by 10 million tons per year and would become the single largest carbon emission reduction project in the world.

    “For us, hydrogen represents a version of the future we aspire to. A new way to power our lives without polluting and destroying what matters most, our home, the one we all share and must protect. It’s the catalyst for a new energy equality revolution that affords the chance to use this technology for good to address the plight of the billions of people without access to the basics; electricity, water and food who when left behind remain powerless to change their circumstances. A hydrogen economy is possible now, we must take the initiative and build it so that everyone can benefit from the universe's most abundant element,” said Cooke.

    The project is expected to take 3-4 years to build. Enegix has signed a MoU with a leading international engineering firm and technical consultant to undertake a feasibility study, and will soon start the process of obtaining environmental and social licenses. Currently, Enegix is seeking partnerships with investors and is running an open capital round.

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