
   2021-03-01 互联网讯


核心提示:     据天然气工业2月26日消息称,咨询公司Wood Mackenzie称,随着航运业实施更严格的碳排放规定,以及

     据天然气工业2月26日消息称,咨询公司Wood Mackenzie称,随着航运业实施更严格的碳排放规定,以及替代燃料使用的攀升,未来30年全球对以石油为基础的船用燃料的需求将下降。



    Wood Mackenzie首席分析师Iain Mowat对路透表示,采用即将出台的能效规则将实现国际海事组织的2030年目标,并在2030年导致全球船用燃料需求较目前下降约37万桶/天。


    Wood Mackenzie周五在一份报告中表示,在海上燃料中使用液化天然气可能限制航运业碳排放的增长,预计到2030年将进一步取代近70万桶/天的燃油。



    他表示:"要想实现国际海事组织将温室气体排放总量减半的目标,到2050年必须向低碳和零碳燃料转变。” 这将导致到2050年燃油需求进一步下降90万桶/天。

    曹海斌 摘译自 天然气工业


    Emission cuts in shipping to cause drop in demand for fossil fuels

    Global demand for oil-based marine fuels is set to fall in the next three decades as stricter carbon emissions rules for the shipping industry kick in and alternative fuel use climbs, consultancy Wood Mackenzie said.

    The U.N.'s International Maritime Organization (IMO) is set to formally adopt energy efficiency regulations in June that aim to reduce the carbon footprint of new and existing ships by 40% by 2030 compared with 2008 levels.

    By 2050 the IMO aims to reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions from ships by 50% from 2008 levels.

    Adoption of the upcoming efficiency rules would achieve the IMO's 2030 target and cause a decline in global bunker fuel demand of around 370,000 bpd by 2030 compared to the current outlook, Iain Mowat, a principal analyst at Wood Mackenzie, told Reuters.

    Even with these reductions, global consumption of marine fuels, currently estimated at just under 5 million bpd, is expected to grow to 5.9 million bpd by 2030, said Mowat.

    The use of LNG in marine fuels could limit the growth in carbon emissions from the shipping sector and is expected to further displace nearly 700,000 bpd of oil bunkers by 2030, Wood Mackenzie said in a report on Friday.

    "In our current outlook we have the overall size of the marine bunker market dropping to less than 5.6 MMbpd by 2050, of which oil bunkers accounts for less than 3.6 million bpd," said Mowat.

    But with LNG's carbon content still high relative to low-carbon alternatives, demand growth for the super-chilled fuel as a shipping fuel will also slow after 2040 as zero-carbon fuels, such as methanol and ammonia produced from green hydrogen, become more prevalent, said Mowat.

    "A major shift towards low- and zero-carbon fuels by 2050 is absolutely required to reach IMO's target to halve overall greenhouse gas emissions," he said, resulting in a further 900,000 bpd decline in oil bunker demand by 2050.

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