
   2021-03-01 互联网讯


核心提示:     据今日油价网站2月25日消息 在周三的早盘交易中,3月份交割的铜价上涨1.53%,铜价期货换手价为每

     据今日油价网站2月25日消息 在周三的早盘交易中,3月份交割的铜价上涨1.53%,铜价期货换手价为每磅4.23美元(9306美元/吨)。



    智利国家矿业协会主席Diego Hernández表示:“我不会称之为“超级周期”,但有人预计,我们将看到大约三年的好价格。”

    波兰铜生产商KGHM首席执行官Marcin Chludzinski向路透社表示:“2020年,在价格问题上,没有人足够聪慧能预测到增长会如此活跃。在需求方面,这段时间非常有趣,需求很高,而且还在上升。”


    Nexa资源公司首席执行官Tito Martins表示:“铜是当前、未来十年乃至未来几十年的矿产,公司正寻求在未来几年扩大铜资产。”


    圣地亚哥铜研究中心(CESCO)负责人Alejandra Wood表示:“如果谈判变得复杂,这可能导致中断,打击铜供应。”



    王磊 摘译自 今日油价


    Copper Prices Soar To 10-Year Highs

    In early trade on Wednesday, the copper price for delivery in March was up 1.53% with copper futures exchanging hands for $4.23 per pound ($9,306 a tonne).

    The price of the red metal hit a nearly 10-year high this week as analysts expect that surging demand from the power and construction industries will overwhelm supply.

    The price spike has prompted top financiers from JP Morgan to Goldman Sachs to predict a commodities “supercycle” similar to that of the early 2000s when demand boomed in emerging nations.

    “I wouldn’t call it a ‘supercycle’ but there are expectations that we will see about three years of good prices,” said Diego Hernández, president of Chile’s National Mining Society (Sonami), which represents the country’s top miners.

    “No one was smart enough in 2020 when it comes to prices. No one was able to predict that the growth would be so dynamic. These times are very interesting when it comes to demand – it is high and is rising,” Polish copper producer KGHM CEO Marcin Chludzinski told Reuters.

    In terms of prices, “we can expect a better situation than last year”, he said.

    “Copper is the mineral of the moment, of the decade and maybe the next decades,” said Nexa Resources CEO Tito Martins, adding that the Brazilian company is looking to expand its copper assets in the next few years.

    Mining firms in Chile, the world’s No.1 copper producer, warned that costs could rise as labor unions and vendors also try to cash in on the trend.

    “If negotiations get complex, this could lead to possible stoppages, hitting the copper supply,” said Alejandra Wood, Santiago-based head of the Center for Copper Studies (CESCO).

    She added most firms were not likely to dramatically alter investment plans due to the rally, except perhaps fast-tracking some “marginal” projects.

    “The challenge they face is not falling into the trap of thinking this scenario will be something long-term, and thus abandoning the discipline of maintaining costs low just to increase production,” she said.

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