
   2021-03-02 互联网讯


核心提示:     据油气新闻3月1日新闻消息称,周一,在“沙特意外”减产的推动下,原油价格一年多来首次突破每




    牛津能源研究所所长Bassam Fattouh表示:“自宣布减产以来,尽管全球许多地区重新实施了封锁,但油价仍出现反弹。”


    美国投资银行摩根大通石油和天然气研究主管Christyan Malek对阿拉伯新闻说:“我可以预见油价将大幅飙升,一路飙升至每桶100美元。”他曾预测原油价格将在一段时间内上涨。

    瑞士银行Julius Baer经济主管Norbert Rucker表示:“我们将短期油价目标上调至65美元,到年中油价可能升至70美元以上。”

    当沙特能源部长Abdul Aziz bin Salman上个月宣布额外减产时,他说自己是“石油工业的守护者”,以支持沙特经济和欧佩克+国家的经济。


    朱佳妮 摘译自 油气新闻


    ‘Saudi surprise’ output cut fuels oil price surge past $60 a barrel

    The price of crude oil rose above $60 a barrel on Monday for the first time in over a year, fueled by the “Saudi surprise” cut in output.

    Brent, the global benchmark, touched $60.20, up more than 15 percent since the start of the year. West Texas Intermediate, the US benchmark that briefly fell into negative territory last April, leapt above $57 a barrel, also a 12-month high.

    Analysts raised their price targets for 2021, and gave most of the credit for the recent rise to Saudi Arabia’s decision in January to cut an extra 1 million barrels a day from global oil supply for two months.

    Bassam Fattouh, director of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, said: “Since the announcement of the cut, the oil price rallied despite the reintroduction of lockdowns in many parts of the world.”

    Some analysts believe oil is in for a further big jump this year, as economic recovery, especially in Asia, stimulates demand under tight supply conditions.

    Christyan Malek, head of oil and gas research at US investment bank JP Morgan — who has predicted the surge in crude prices for some time — told Arab News: “I can see the oil price overshooting significantly all the way up to $100.”

    Norbert Rucker, head of economics at Swiss bank Julius Baer, said: “We raise our near-term oil-price target to $65, and oil prices could spike above $70 by mid-year.”

    When he announced the extra cut last month, Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdul Aziz bin Salman said he was acting as the “guardian of the oil industry” in support of the Saudi economy and the economies of OPEC+ countries.

    All eyes will now be on the next meeting of OPEC+ early next month, when a key decision will have to be made about future supply. The Saudi cut will expire at the beginning of April, adding to global supply.

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