
   2021-02-25 互联网讯


核心提示:     据石油新闻2月23日伦敦报道,多位业内资深分析师2月23日在伦敦表示,受汽油、柴油和燃料油需求强



    这是维多集团全球研究主管Giovanni Serio在彭博社举办的网络研讨会上发表上述讲话的。



    李峻 编译自 石油新闻


    Global oil demand likely to rebound to pre-COVID levels by end-2021: analysts

    Global oil demand is expected to recover to pre-COVID-19 levels of around 100 million b/d by the end of the year driven by a strong rebound for gasoline, diesel and fuel oil, several analysts said Feb 23.

    But jet/kerosene, which used to account for around 8% of total global demand, is likely to remain very sluggish, and the aviation fuel will reach pre-crisis levels only in 2022 or even 2023, they added.

    Speaking at a webinar hosted by Bloomberg, Giovanni Serio, Vitol's Global Head of Research said oil demand could reach the magic number of 100 million b/d by the year-end though this will depend heavily on the vaccination rollout which is expected to gather pace this summer.

    Serio said the guidance behind this was supported by resilient manufacturing activity which will continue to rebound.

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