
   2021-02-24 互联网讯


核心提示:     据2月23日FXstreet报道,芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group)公布的原油期货市场初步数据显示,部分

     据2月23日FXstreet报道,芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group)公布的原油期货市场初步数据显示,部分逆转了上周五的回落趋势,本周初,原油期货合约增加约5600份。相反,成交量在连续两天建仓后,大幅上涨约47.21万份。


    王佳晶 摘译自 FXstreet


    Crude Oil Futures: Upside momentum unabated

    CME Group’s preliminary readings for crude oil future markets noted traders partially reversed Friday’s pullback and rose by around 5.6K contracts at the beginning of the week. Volume, instead, went up sharply by around 472.1K contracts after two daily builds in a row.

    WTI on its way to $65.00 and above

    The rally in crude oil prices remains well and sound and manages to record new 2021 highs beyond $62.00 on Tuesday. Monday’s strong advance in WTI was accompanied by rising opening interest, leaving the door open to extra upside with the immediate target at the 2020 high in the $65.60 area per barrel.

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