挪威LNG运输供应商Awilco LNG上季度扭亏为盈

   2021-02-24 互联网讯


核心提示:     据世界天然气网站2月22日消息 挪威液化天然气运输供应商Awilco LNG去年第四季度实现盈利。   

     据世界天然气网站2月22日消息 挪威液化天然气运输供应商Awilco LNG去年第四季度实现盈利。





    吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


    Awilco LNG swings to profit in Q4

    Norwegian LNG transportation provider Awilco LNG swung to a profit in the fourth quarter of last year.

    The company posted a net profit of $1.2 million for the fourth quarter of 2020, boosted by a sharp increase in spot LNG prices. The jump in spot LNG prices was largely driven by higher Asian LNG prices.

    The profit for the period compares to a $6.5 million loss in the previous quarter.

    Freight income for the quarter was $12.8 million , up from $3.7 million in the third quarter of 2020, again due to the jump in spot LNG prices.

    Fleet utilisation for the quarter ticked up to 100 per cent, compared to 99 per cent in the previous quarter.

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