
   2021-02-25 互联网讯


核心提示:     据OilGas Journal网站2月23日消息 根据美国石油学会(API)最新的月度统计报告,以国内石油供应总

     据Oil & Gas Journal网站2月23日消息 根据美国石油学会(API)最新的月度统计报告,以国内石油供应总量衡量,2021年1月美国石油需求为1970万桶/日,与12月相比增长5.6%,与2020年1月相比下降1.2%,自2020年COVID-19导致衰退以来,目前已显现复苏迹象。




    王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal


    API: January US oil demand within 1.2% of year-ago level

    US petroleum demand, as measured by total domestic petroleum deliveries, was 19.7 million b/d in January 2021, according to the latest monthly statistical report by the American Petroleum Institute (API), a 5.6% increase from December and a decrease of 1.2% compared with January 2020—a notable recovery given the depths of the 2020 COVID-19 recession.

    Consumer gasoline demand, measured by motor gasoline deliveries, was 7.8 million b/d in January – basically steady from December (-0.1% m/m). Notably, this was the closest that January monthly gasoline demand was to that of December since 1957. The implication is that the majority of recent driving activity was likely borne out of necessity, as opposed to discretionary travel that could have produced the greater seasonal variation that we have historically observed. However, the 7.8 million b/d in January 2021 was still a decrease of 10.7% (900,000 b/d) versus January 2020. High-frequency mobility indicators, such as those from Apple and Google, also suggested that driving activity remained relatively weak in January.

    In January, distillate deliveries of 4 million b/d rose by 14.2% from December and 0.5% y/y. Consequently, distillate demand exceeded its pre-COVID-19 level and also was consistent with the continued shift to e-commerce and home deliveries, furthered by the pandemic. Consistent with this, the DAT iQ industry trendlines showed that spot trucking and flatbed loads, van and reefer rates each increased year-on-year in January.

    Jet fuel deliveries were 1.2 million b/d in January, which was an unusually mild seasonal decrease of 2.3% from December but 27.9% below the level of January 2020. This was consistent with high-frequency data from Flightradar24 that showed a drop-off in flights from December as well as a continued gap versus activity in January 2020.

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