Premier Oil在油价飙升之际重新加入英国近海业务

   2021-02-25 互联网讯


核心提示:     据世界石油2月23日消息称,在全球原油市场反弹之际,被Chrysaor控股有限公司吞并的北海钻井公司Pr

     据世界石油2月23日消息称,在全球原油市场反弹之际,被Chrysaor控股有限公司吞并的北海钻井公司Premier Oil Plc将重新成为英国最大的独立石油和天然气生产商。

    收购预计将于3月底完成,Premier将于4月1日以新名称Harbour Energy Plc开始交易。考虑到数十亿美元的债务(本季度将偿还或取消债务),该公司应该处于有利地位,能借助石油需求复苏,提高投资者回报。

    贝伦贝格分析师James Carmichael在周二的电子邮件中表示:“新公司的处境将比Premier好得多,拥有更强劲的资产负债表,使其能够追求国际增长,并承诺短期派发股息。”该公司还有一个“非常强大的董事会正在就位”。

    Harbour的总裁将是Phil Kirk,他于2007年在巴克莱和一家美国私募股权基金的帮助下创建了Chrysaor。10年后,Chrysaor首次进军英国水域,从荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司购买资产,并且在进一步收购之后已成为英国最大的石油和天然气生产商。


    Arden Partners Ltd的分析师Daniel Slater说:“Harbour Energy将从北海资产的大量生产现金流基础开始,再加上几个即将开展的项目,进一步扩大其国际投资组合,并提供增长动力。公司资产负债表将处于良好状态。”

    朱佳妮 摘译自 世界石油


    Premier Oil to rejoin UK offshore just in time for oil price surge

    Premier Oil Plc, the indebted North Sea driller being swallowed by Chrysaor Holdings Ltd., will re-emerge as the largest independent oil and gas producer among UK stocks just as the global crude market roars back.

    With the takeover expected to complete by the end of March, Premier will start trading under its new name, Harbour Energy Plc, on April 1. Putting behind it a multibillion-dollar debt pile -- due to be paid or canceled this quarter -- the firm should be well-positioned to ride the recovery in oil demand and boost investor returns.

    “The new company will be much better placed than Premier, with a stronger balance sheet enabling it to pursue international growth and commit to a near-term dividend,” James Carmichael, an analyst at Berenberg, said in an email on Tuesday. There’s also a “very strong board that is being put in place.”

    Harbour’s president will be Phil Kirk, who founded Chrysaor in 2007 with help from Barclays Plc and a U.S. private equity fund. Chrysaor made its first foray into UK waters 10 years later, buying assets from Royal Dutch Shell Plc, and after further acquisitions has become the No. 1 oil and gas producer in Britain.

    Premier and Chrysaor said in December that Harbour would be a “highly cash-generative” business, producing more than 200,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day and with “significant” potential for international growth. While Premier’s business is weighted toward the North Sea, it also has assets in Asia and Latin America and has been working to get a project off the ground in the Falklands.

    “Harbour Energy will start off with a significant production cash-flow base from its North Sea assets, alongside several upcoming projects to further build out its international portfolio and provide a growth driver,” said Daniel Slater, an analyst at Arden Partners Ltd. “The balance sheet will be in good shape.”

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