
   2021-02-20 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源经济2月19日消息称,印度工程公司(EIL)今天宣布,已经决定投标收购巴拉特石油公司(BPCL)





    朱佳妮 摘译自 能源经济


    Oil India, EIL consortium to bid for BPCL's stake in Numaligarh refinery

    Engineers India Ltd (EIL) today announced it has decided to bid for acquiring 61.65 per cent stake held by Bharat Petroleum Corp (BPCL) in Numaligarh refinery as part of a consortium with Oil India Ltd (OIL).

    EIL will hold a minority share in the consortium while OIL will be the leader, the state-owned engineering consultancy firm said in a statement. "This would enable EIL to diversify its business into downstream oil & gas operations," it added.

    As part of a larger plan for disinvestment of Public Sector Undertakings, the government wants to privatise downstream oil refiner BPCL by the end of the first half of next financial year (2021-22).

    Before that, BPCL plans to complete its stake sale in Numaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL). While the Oil India-EIL consortium is likely to pick up 49 per cent, the rest 13.65 per cent stake will be sold to the Assam government.​

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