
   2021-02-19 互联网讯


核心提示:     据2月18日offshore energy消息:挪威能源巨头Equinor和法国公用事业公司Engie达成合作伙伴关系,

     据2月18日offshore energy消息:挪威能源巨头Equinor和法国公用事业公司Engie达成合作伙伴关系,共同开发低碳氢项目,为2050年实现零排放铺平道路。






    Engie全球能源管理部门首席执行官Edouard Neviaski表示:“ Engie坚信氢将在能源转型中发挥关键作用。 Engie生产可再生氢,并支持低碳氢市场的发展。这两种技术对于加速发展坚实的基础设施和向碳中和经济过渡都是必要的。”

    Equinor低碳解决方案高级副总裁Grete Tveit表示:“Equinor的目标是成为能源转型的领导者。我们相信,如果要成功地实现这一转变,氢气和二氧化碳捕获和储存将至关重要。”



    冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy


    Equinor and Engie team up for low-carbon hydrogen projects

    Norway’s energy giant Equinor and French utility company Engie have entered into a partnership to develop joint low-carbon hydrogen activities, paving the way for net-zero in 2050.

    The partners will investigate the production and market potential for hydrogen from natural gas whereby the CO2 will be captured and stored permanently offshore, Equinor said on Thursday.

    Engie and Equinor signed a memorandum of understanding to investigate the development of low-carbon hydrogen value chains in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France.

    In the coming months, Engie and Equinor will start discussions with potential customers to assess the project, as well as with stakeholders and relevant authorities.

    Engie and Equinor believe that it is essential to develop low-carbon and renewable hydrogen projects at scale in order to make it possible for industrial customers to significantly reduce CO2 emissions before 2030.

    This development of low carbon and renewable hydrogen will accelerate the construction of new hydrogen infrastructure and the repurposing of current natural gas infrastructure, thus paving the way for net zero in 2050.

    Edouard Neviaski, CEO of the Engie’s Business Unit Global Energy Management says: “Engie firmly believes that hydrogen will play a key role in the energy transition. Engie produces renewable hydrogen and supports the development of the market for low-carbon hydrogen. Both these technologies will be necessary to accelerate the development of a solid infrastructure and the transition to a carbon-neutral economy”.

    Grete Tveit, Equinor’s senior vice president for Low Carbon Solutions says: “Equinor aims to be a leading company in the energy transition. We believe that hydrogen and CCS will be vital if we are going to succeed with the transition.

    “Collaboration and partnerships will be absolutely necessary to find the best solutions. Our two companies have complementary areas of expertise that we can utilize to develop low carbon hydrogen initiatives together”.

    Engie is also collaborating with another oil and gas major, French Total, to design, develop, build and operate France’s largest renewable hydrogen production site.

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