
   2021-02-18 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源新闻2月9日消息称,壳牌和日本三菱公司旗下的可再生能源公司Eneco周一表示,将为亚马逊公司


    零售巨头亚马逊在其碳足迹问题上面临着环保活动人士的压力,该公司已承诺到2040年实现净碳中和。两家能源公司表示,从2024年开始,它将从壳牌和Eneco联合建造的Hollandske Kust Noord海上风电场中承购380兆瓦的电量,但没有披露财务细节。


    Eneco表示,位于荷兰海岸的Hollandse Kust Noord将拥有759兆瓦的总产能,计划于2023年投入运营,届时每年将至少产生3.3太瓦时(TWh)。




    朱佳妮 摘译自 能源新闻


    Shell, Mitsubishi unit Eneco to supply wind power to Amazon's facilities

    Royal Dutch Shell and renewables firm Eneco, owned by Japan's Mitsubishi Corp , will provide Amazon.com Inc's European facilities with electricity from an offshore wind farm, they said on Monday.

    Retail giant Amazon, which faces pressure from environmental activists over its carbon footprint, has vowed to be net carbon neutral by 2040. Starting in 2024, it will off-take 380 megawatts (MW) of capacity from the Hollandske Kust Noord offshore wind farm, which is being built jointly by Shell and Eneco, the two energy firms said without disclosing financial details.

    Eneco will provide 130 MW and Shell 250 MW under the deal, Shell said in a separate statement. Amazon was not immediately available for comment.

    Hollandse Kust Noord, located off the Dutch coast, will have a total capacity of 759 MW and is scheduled to become operational in 2023, when it will generate at least 3.3 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, Eneco said.

    Mitsubishi, along with Japanese utility Chubu Electric Power Co Inc, bought Eneco last year in a deal valuing the Dutch energy firm at 4.1 billion euros ($4.9 billion).

    Japanese trading houses as well as global oil and gas majors such as Shell, are increasingly focusing on cleaner energy as they join a global shift away from coal and other fossil fuels.

    Amazon, which delivers about 10 billion items a year and has a massive transport and data centre footprint, has faced protests from environmental activists and pressure from its employees to take action on climate change.

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