
   2021-02-10 互联网讯


核心提示:     据全球石油新闻2月7日消息称,OMV在斯洛文尼亚剥离的业务包括在OMV、Eurotruck、Avanti和Diskont





    OMV Aktiengesellschaft监事会已批准对OMV集团进行重组,包括拆分和扩大目前的炼油和石化业务领域,分为两个领域:炼油和化学品与材料。自从OMV收购了北欧化工的多数股权以来,这种结构性变化促进了化工行业的向前整合。通过这一转变,OMV将始终贯穿其扩展的价值链,并将石化和化学品的所有相关职责捆绑在一个单一的董事会部门。

    此外,OMV监事会已任命Alfred Stern(56岁)为化学品与材料执行董事会成员。新任命将于2021年4月1日生效。

    OMV监事会主席Mark Garrett表示:“新的公司结构将大大加快北欧化工向OMV集团的整合以及任命化工业务的扩张。我很高兴我们成功将Alfred Stern带入OMV执行董事会,他是一位在化工行业具有丰富国际经验的经理。在过去的几年中,他和他的团队不仅为北欧化工的聚烯烃业务赢得了出色的业绩,而且使公司朝着循环经济的方向发展。”

    朱佳妮 摘译自 全球石油新闻


    OMV €2bn Disposal Includes Fuel Retail in Slovenia

    The divestment of OMV’s business in Slovenia includes the network operation of 120 fuel service stations under the OMV, Eurotruck, Avanti and Diskont brands.

    According to the OMV announcments,”With its limited integration within the Downstream oil value chain, the divestment of this business represents a further step in OMV’s portfolio optimization.”

    OMV will announce a third package of divestments later this year. With the disposal program, OMV intends to reduce its gearing ratio excluding leases to around 30% by the end of 2021.

    OMV announced its results for 2020 in Vienna yesterday. OMV achieved in 2020 a solid Clean CCS Operating Result of €1.686bn despite significant unfavorable market effects triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic

    The Supervisory Board of OMV Aktiengesellschaft has approved a reorganization of the OMV Group involving splitting and expanding the current area of Refining & Petrochemical Operations into two areas: Refining and Chemicals & Materials. This structural change facilitates the forward integration in the chemicals sector that has been underway ever since OMV acquired a majority stake in Borealis. With this change, OMV is consistently positioned across the entirety of its expanded value chain and can bundle all relevant responsibilities for petrochemicals and chemicals in a single board division.

    In addition, the OMV Supervisory Board has appointed Alfred Stern (56) as Executive Board member for Chemicals & Materials. The changes will take effect as of April 1, 2021.

    Mark Garrett, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OMV: “The new corporate structure will significantly expedite the integration of Borealis into the OMV Group and the expansion of the chemicals business. I am delighted that we have managed to bring on board Alfred Stern to the OMV Executive Board, a manager with a wealth of international experience in the chemicals industry. Over the past years, he and his team has not only achieved an excellent positioning for Borealis’ polyolefin business but evolved the company in the direction of a circular economy.”

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