
   2021-02-10 互联网讯


核心提示:     据美国钻井网站奥斯陆报道,挪威能源巨头Equinor 2月8日在奥斯陆宣布,Equinor与其合作伙伴DNO挪

     据美国钻井网站奥斯陆报道,挪威能源巨头Equinor 2月8日在奥斯陆宣布,Equinor与其合作伙伴DNO挪威分公司、挪威Petoro石油公司和Wellesley石油公司日前在北海第923号生产许可证区块内获得了一个重要的石油和天然气发现Rover North发现。

    Rover North发现的可开采资源估计在700万至1100万标准立方米油当量之间,Equinor强调,这相当于4400万至6900万桶油当量。

    Equinor指出,Rover North发现增加了近年来在特罗尔/佛拉姆地区油气发现的数量。Equinor表示,该地区的Echino、Swisher和Rover North发现的可采石油当量已经可以与瓦莱蒙、古德龙和吉娜克罗格等油田的总产量相比较。

    Equinor负责挪威勘探的高级副总裁Nick Ashton在一份公司声明中表示,“这一油气发现是Equinor在特罗尔/佛拉姆地区进行了多年周密地下作业的直接结果,表明了不放弃、而是重新开始的重要性,从新的角度审视老问题。”


    李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


    Equinor Makes First Find of 2021

    Equinorhas announced that it and its partners - DNO Norge, Petoro and Wellesley Petroleum - have struck gas and oil in the North Sea’s production license 923.

    Recoverable resources of the Rover North find are estimated to be between seven and 11 million standard cubic meters of oil equivalent, which Equinor highlighted corresponds to between 44 and 69 million barrels of oil equivalent.

    Equinor noted that the Rover North discovery adds to a number of finds in the Troll/Fram area in recent years. Recoverable oil equivalents from the area’s Echino, Swisher and Rover North discoveries can already measure against the total production from fields like Valemon, Gudrun and Gina Krog, Equinor stated.

    “The discovery is a direct consequence of thorough subsurface work in the Troll/Fram area over many years, and shows the importance of not giving up, but starting over, looking at old issues from new angles,” Nick Ashton, Equinor’s senior vice president for exploration in Norway, said in a company statement.

    “Exploration thus creates great values for society, at the same time as the resources can be realized in accordance with the requirements for CO2 emissions through the value chain, from discovery to consumption,” he added in the statement.

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