
   2021-02-09 互联网讯


核心提示:     据天然气加工网站2月5日报道 根据美国能源信息署(EIA)发布的月度天然气报告,2020年11月,美国

     据天然气加工网站2月5日报道 根据美国能源信息署(EIA)发布的月度天然气报告,2020年11月,美国每月的液化天然气出口量超过了管道天然气出口量近12亿立方英尺/日。此前,自1998年以来,此种情况只发生过一次。当时2020年4月,液化天然气出口仅略高于当月的管道出口1亿立方英尺/日。根据彭博社财经提供的航运数据,对2020年12月和2021年1月的初步估计显示,这一趋势仍在继续。


    王磊 摘译自 天然气加工


    U.S. LNG exports exceed natural gas exports by pipeline

    According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Natural Gas Monthly (NGM), in November 2020, monthly U.S. exports of LNG exceeded natural gas exports by pipeline by nearly 1.2 billion cubic feet per day (Bcfpd). Previously, this has happened only once since 1998, when in April 2020, LNG exports barely exceeded pipeline exports that month by 0.01 Bcfpd. Preliminary estimates for December 2020 and January 2021, based on the shipping data provided by Bloomberg Finance, L.P., suggest a continuation of this trend.

    In November and December 2020, U.S. LNG exports set two consecutive monthly records at 9.4 Bcfpd and 9.8 Bcfpd, respectively, and set another monthly record in January 2021 at 9.8 Bcfpd. In the January Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), EIA forecasts that U.S. LNG exports will exceed natural gas exports by pipeline in the first and fourth quarters of this year and on an annual basis in 2022, as global natural gas and LNG demand recover to pre-COVID-19 levels.

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