
   2021-02-10 互联网讯


核心提示:     据石化新闻迪拜报道,伊拉克石油部长Ihsan Ismaael 2月8日在巴格达表示,伊拉克计划在2021年把本

     据石化新闻迪拜报道,伊拉克石油部长Ihsan Ismaael 2月8日在巴格达表示,伊拉克计划在2021年把本国日炼油能力提高8万桶,作为欧佩克第二大产油国,伊拉克寻求降低其对石油产品进口的依赖。




    Ismaael去年 11月18日曾表示,伊拉克计划邀请国际石油公司帮助该国在本国南部建设一个具有日加工30万桶原油能力的炼油厂。

    李峻 编译自 石化新闻


    Iraq to ramp up refining capacity by more than 80,000 b/d in 2021

    Iraq plans to ramp up its refining capacity by more than 80,000 b/d in 2021, oil minister Ihsan Ismaael said Feb. 8, as OPEC's second largest producer seeks to lower dependence on oil product imports.

    The new increments in capacity will come from southern refineries, Ismaael said in a statement.

    He didn't disclose the country's current refining capacity. Ministry officials weren't immediately available to comment on the refining capacity.

    Iraq plans to invite international oil companies to help build a 300,000 b/d refinery in the south of the country, Ismaael said Nov. 18.

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