
   2021-02-09 互联网讯


核心提示:     据2月7日The Nation报道,Rystad Energy表示,今年世界排名前30位的大油井项目,其中大部分将会在

     据2月7日The Nation报道,Rystad Energy表示,今年世界排名前30位的大油井项目,其中大部分将会在北美、南美和非洲地区进行钻探。值得一提的是,这个排名是通过对包括成功率高低及其对运营商的重要性等因素进行一系列评估后得出的。






    Rystad高级分析师Taiyab Zain Shariff表示:“随着市场状况改善,顺应当前发展局势,预计从这些推迟的油井中开采的石油将通过管道输送。这意味着今年大型勘探活动可能反弹至2019年的水平。美洲地区的勘探数量或将与去年持平。其中,墨西哥将作为勘探主导地区,在那里将有5口油井有望勘探成功。”


    朱小庆吉 摘译自 The Nation


    Majority of world’s high impact oil wells to be in Africa and the Americas in 2021

    The majority of the world’s top 30 high-impact oil wells will be drilled in North and South America and in Africa this year, according to Rystad Energy.

    “These regions [the America and Africa] continue to be the hotspots for high-impact exploration, with 19 of the top 30 wells, seven in North America, six in South America and six in Africa,” the Oslo-based consultancy said in a new report.

    Rystad classifies wells as high-impact after assessing a number of factors including the size of the prospects and their significance to the operator.

    Major oil companies operate 46 per cent of the wells included in the list “showcasing their continued appetite to invest in high-risk, high-reward prospects”, it said. In total, 120 high-impact wells have been drilled globally over the past four years but only 50 have resulted in discoveries. The region with the highest concentration of high-impact wells since 2017 has been Northwest Europe with 22, of which 14 were drilled in Norway, six in the UK and two in Ireland.

    The list includes ExxonMobil’s Opal prospect in Brazilian waters and Shell’s offshore drilling plans in Mexico. It also includes French oil company Total’s wells Ondjaba-1 in Angola and Venus in Namibia.

    “A majority of this year’s expected high-impact wells are targeting large prospects which, if successful, could significantly increase the new recoverable volumes of 2021,” Rystad Energy said. “All in all, the pre-drill resource potential of this year’s top-30 line-up is estimated to surpass 13 billion barrels of oil equivalent.”

    Drilling of high-impact oil and gas wells was affected last year due to the global pandemic, but “overall results were nevertheless positive”, according to Rystad. The success rate rose to 41 per cent in 2020 from 32 per cent the year before and pushed discovered volumes to 3.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent, a four-year high.

    A total of 35 high-impact wells were originally planned for 2020. Out of these, 16 were delayed until 2021 or beyond and six were shelved, according to the report.

    “With market conditions improving, we expect delayed wells to be moved through the pipeline along with new prospects,” Taiyab Zain Shariff, senior analyst at Rystad Energy, said.

    “This means high-impact activity could rebound to 2019 levels this year. The Americas region is likely to almost match last year’s number of high-impact wells, with Mexico as the driving force with five prospects.”

    Oil prices have recovered in the last few weeks, thanks to production curbs by Opec and its allies. Saudi Arabia also announced a surprise unilateral one million barrels per day production cut in February and March to support oil markets.

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