
   2021-02-08 互联网讯


核心提示:     据今日油价网站2月4日消息 壳牌公司公布称,2020年利润为48.5亿美元,较2019年的164.6亿美元下降8

     据今日油价网站2月4日消息 壳牌公司公布称,2020年利润为48.5亿美元,较2019年的164.6亿美元下降87%。


    壳牌首席执行官Ben van Beurden在壳牌业绩发布会上表示:“2020年是不平凡的一年。我们采取了强硬但果断的措施,并表现出高度弹性的运营交付,同时关心我们的员工、客户和社区。2020年,我们的资产负债表将更加强劲,准备加快我们的战略步伐,开创能源的未来。我们致力于我们的渐进式股息政策,预计到2021年第一季度,我们的每股美元股息将增长4%左右。”



    王磊 摘译自 今日油价


    Shell’s Profits Plunge 87% In 2020

    Anglo-Dutch supermajor Shell reported a profit of 4.85 billion for 2020, down 87 percent on the year, from $16.46 billion booked for 2019.

    While the result was negatively affected by the pandemic, Shell still managed to remain in the black, unlike peers including BP and Exxon. The company was also upbeat for this quarter, raising its dividend to $0.1735 per share from $0.1665 per share to be distributed for the final quarter of 2020.

    “2020 was an extraordinary year,” chief executive Ben van Beurden said at the release of Shell’s results. “We have taken tough but decisive actions and demonstrated highly resilient operational delivery while caring for our people, customers and communities. We are coming out of 2020 with a stronger balance sheet, ready to accelerate our strategy and make the future of energy. We are committed to our progressive dividend policy and expect to grow our US dollar dividend per share by around 4% as of the first quarter 2021.”

    Like the rest of the European supermajors, Shell has accelerated its shift to renewable energy and other new business ventures, spurred by the oil price crash brought about by the pandemic that wreaked havoc on spending plans and growth strategies. Its latest move in that direction was the acquisition of the biggest EV charging network in the UK, ubitricity, for which the company did not disclose any financial details.

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