
   2021-02-07 互联网讯


核心提示:     据彭博社2月4日报道,此前欧佩克委员会表示,石油市场正在重新恢复平衡,3月份,沙特阿拉伯维持其





    王佳晶 摘译自 彭博社


    Saudis Leave Asia Oil Pricing Unchanged, While Raising for U.S.

    Saudi Arabia kept oil pricing for its main market of Asia unchanged in March, after a key OPEC+ committee expressed confidence that the oil market is re-balancing.

    State oil producer Saudi Aramco raised prices for all grades sold to customers in the U.S. and Europe.

    The nation surprised markets last month by announcing plans to unilaterally slash 1 million barrels a day of oil supply in February and March. The pledge has helped buoy benchmark Brent crude by almost 15% this year to around $59 a barrel.

    Even so, refiners’ profit margins are tight, with the latest virus waves curbing fuel use in many major economies.

    Aramco raised all pricing to the U.S. by 10 cents a barrel. Prices to Europe increased by $1.30 or $1.40 a barrel. Its key Arab light grade for Asia will remain at a $1 premium to the benchmark it uses.

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