
   2021-02-04 互联网讯


核心提示:     据2月1日Neftegaz.RU.报道,根据一份有效期至2022年的长期合同,保加利亚每年将从俄罗斯进口29亿


    俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司Gazprom表示,该公司已与保加利亚的Overgas集团就所有索赔和纠纷达成了最终解决方案,其中还包括出售该公司在Overgas Inc.的股份。




    2021年1月,天然气分销公司Overgas Mrezhi同意由5家银行组成的银团提供1.17亿欧元贷款,这5家银行分别是:国际经济合作银行、总部位于索菲亚的意大利联合信贷银行、保加利亚Raiffeisen银行、DSK银行和保加利亚安联银行。


    2020年,俄气董事会批准了一项决定,以1550万欧元的价格出售其在保加利亚天然气供应商Overgas 50%的直接和间接权益。

    王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.


    Gazprom reaches €100 million settlement with Bulgaria's Overgas

    Bulgaria imports 2.9 billion m3 of gas from Russia per year under a long-term contract valid through 2022.

    Russian Gazprom said that it has reached a final settlement of all claims and disputes with Bulgaria's Overgas Group, which also includes the sale of Gazprom's stake in Overgas Inc.

    Gazprom expects to receive over €100 million as part of the agreement, it said in a statement. The company did not provide further details regarding its decision.

    Overgas is the largest private gas company in Bulgaria. Sofia-based company, founded in 1991, has a total of 2,400 km of gas distribution pipelines and services over 250,000 households in the country.

    The company has invested over €320 million in the construction of distribution pipelines, invests and develops the gas pipeline network in Bulgaria. Overgas said that it is planning to invest over €40.4 million in the construction of some 398 km of gas distribution pipelines over the period 2020-2024.

    In January 2021 gas distribution company Overgas Mrezhi agreed a €117 million loan financing from a syndicate of 5 banks - the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, Sofia-based UniCredit Bulbank, Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria, DSK Bank and Allianz Bank Bulgaria.

    The financing comprises a €100 million term loan, a €10 million investment loan, and a €7 million multi-purpose credit line, according to data entered into the commercial register.

    Gazprom said last year that its board of directors approved a decision to divest its 50% direct and indirect interest in Bulgarian gas supplier Overgas for €15.5 million..

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