
   2021-02-07 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源世界网2月4日休斯敦报道,一些能源巨头正在把他们的碳封存技术和项目转变为商业项目,把一


    这些努力可以帮助大型温室气体排放者减少碳排放强度,并进一步接近《巴黎协定》的气候变化目标。 能源巨头们将这些努力视为平衡客户对更多石油和天然气的需求,同时适应低碳能源的世界。



    该油田设备和服务公司收购了挪威技术公司Compact Carbon Capture (3C),并计划将其溶剂基产品商业化。3C表示,其可扩展设计的碳足迹只有其他碳捕捉系统的四分之一。







    联合航空(United Airlines)承诺向1PointFive投资了数百万美元,并将成为该公司的客户,其目标是吸收相当于其飞机10%的年均碳排放量。


    道达尔已承诺将其研发预算的10%用于推进碳捕获,利用和封存技术。其投资了一个项目,旨在研究捕获科罗拉多州拉法基豪西水泥厂(LafargeHolcim cement )产生的二氧化碳并将其排放物埋在地下的成本。


    雪佛龙公司投资了Blue Planet Systems,这是一家将二氧化碳替代混凝土和建筑材料中石灰石的技术商业化的初创公司。这两家公司正在计划将Blue Planet碳捕获过程商业化的试点项目。

    郝芬 译自 能源世界


    Big Oil seizes on carbon technology, environmental goals to build business

    Major energy companies are turning their carbon sequestration technologies and projects into business ventures, converting some efforts that help pump more oil and gas into profit-making ventures while burnishing their environmental reputation.

    The efforts could help big greenhouse gas emitters reduce their carbon emissions intensity and move closer to Paris Agreement climate change targets. Energy giants view these efforts as balancing customer demands for more oil and gas while fitting in a lower-carbon energy world.

    Carbon removal technologies will be necessary to limit the increase in planetary warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, the goal of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the United Nations has said.


    The oilfield equipment and services firm acquired Norwegian technology firm Compact Carbon Capture (3C) and plans to commercialize its solvent-based products. 3C says its scalable designs can be as little as a quarter of the footprint of other carbon-capturing systems.

    Baker Hughes will market the rotating 3C equipment alongside its products and services to industries including oil and gas, liquefied natural gas, shipping and pipeline operators. 3C's industrial-scale unit designs could capture up to 250,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year.


    In early 2021, Exxon Mobil formed Low Carbon Solutions LLC, offering to make available its technologies and projects that Exxon deployed to sequester its planet-warming CO2 emissions. The business also aims to leverage Exxon's experience in producing hydrogen gas.

    The Low Carbon business will leverage Exxon's CO2 storage caverns along the U.S. Gulf Coast and under the North Sea. It also will market emissions-reduction credits from the use of its sequestration projects.


    Occidental formed Oxy Low Carbon Ventures to marshal its carbon capture, utilization and emissions reduction operations. It and private equity investor Rusheen Capital Management formed 1PointFive, a Texas business that aims to directly capture CO2 from the air and bury it underground.

    United Airlines pledged a multimillion dollar investment in 1PointFive and will become a customer of the business, aiming to absorb the equivalent annual carbon emissions of 10% of its aircraft.


    Total has pledged to put 10% of its research and development budget to advance carbon capture, utilization and storage technology. It invested in a project to study the costs of capturing CO2 generated by a LafargeHolcim cement plant in Colorado and bury the emissions underground.


    Chevron invested in Blue Planet Systems, a startup commercializing a technology that makes a substitute for limestone in concrete and building materials from CO2. The two firms are planning pilot projects that commercialize the Blue Planet carbon capture process.

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