
   2021-02-07 互联网讯


核心提示:     据烃加工新闻2月2日消息称,俄罗斯驻南部联邦区总统特使Vladimir Ustinov、能源部长Nikolai Shulg

     据烃加工新闻2月2日消息称,俄罗斯驻南部联邦区总统特使Vladimir Ustinov、能源部长Nikolai Shulginov、伏尔加格勒地区州长Andrei Bocharov和卢克石油公司总裁Vagit Alekperov参加了伏尔加格勒炼油厂高粘度指数石油生产综合设施的开幕式。





    驻南部联邦区总统特使Vladimir Ustinov表示:“今天,我们在这里启动一个独特的生产设施,这不仅与设备有关,而且与人有关。这里有4000多名员工在工作。因此,这次启用不仅影响生产,还影响社会领域。我去过伏尔加格勒炼油厂很多次,每次我看到变化,我看到一些新的东西。祝贺新工厂开业,感谢你们所做的一切。”

    俄罗斯能源部长Nikolai Shulginov说:“卢克石油公司是炼油厂现代化的领导者。2011年至2020年,该公司根据四方协议投资了超过1630亿卢布。卢克石油公司的炼油厂已经启用了10个二级处理装置。”

    伏尔加格勒地区州长Andrei Bocharov指出:“卢克石油公司是伏尔加格勒地区的战略合作伙伴。公司开展了多个大型投资项目,信守承诺。随着新工厂的启用,伏尔加格勒地区和整个俄罗斯将获得符合世界最高标准的产品,这将直接支持进口替代。该项目的启动还将减少能源需求,减轻环境负担并提高产品质量。”

    卢克石油公司总裁Vagit Alekperov指出:“伏尔加格勒炼油厂是俄罗斯效率最高的炼油厂之一。多年来,卢克石油公司投资了1720亿卢布进行现代化改造,从而将炼油深度提高到96.7%。如今,尽管发生了大流行,我们仍在继续进行精选的投资项目进一步扩大我们炼油厂的产品范围。例如,今年我们计划在下诺夫哥罗德炼油厂投产延迟焦化装置。”

    朱佳妮 摘译自 烃加工新闻


    Lukoil commissions new production complex at Volgograd refinery

    Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Southern Federal District Vladimir Ustinov, Russian Minister of Energy Nikolai Shulginov, Governor of the Volgograd region Andrei Bocharov and President of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov took part in the opening of a high-viscosity index oils production complex at the Volgograd refinery.

    The production facility includes a de-asphalting unit and a fractionation unit for unconverted oil. The construction of the complex started in October 2018. This project is a part of LUKOIL's program to upgrade its lubricants production assets. Implementation of the program will provide consumers with efficient high-tech products that hold up to the best international standards.

    Use of advanced high viscosity base stocks renders possible production of engine oils suitable for modern industrial vehicles and cargo trucks that function in rough environments and cold weather. Another major advantage of these oils is their increased oxidation resistance, which provides for longer drain periods. LUKOIL's cumulative investment in the new facility amounts to 10 billion roubles.

    The company also continues construction of the second stage of the solar power plant (SPP) with installed capacity of 20 MW at the Volgograd refinery. Its launch, set for 2021, will increase the SPP total capacity up to 30 MW.

    Commissioning of the second stage of the SPP will also provide additional 24 million kWh of green energy per year, which is equal to an annual reduction of CO2 emissions by 12 thousand tons.

    "Today we are here to launch a unique production facility, and it is not just about equipment, it is about people. Over 4 thousand employees work here. Therefore, this launch affects not only production, but also social sphere. I have been to the Volgograd refinery a number of times and each time I see changes, I see something new. Congratulations on opening the new complex and thank you for everything you do," said Vladimir Ustinov, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Southern Federal District.

    "LUKOIL is a leader in modernization of refineries. Between 2011 and 2020, the company invested over 163 billion roubles under four-way agreements. Ten secondary processing units were commissioned at LUKOIL refineries.

    "LUKOIL is a strategic partner of the Volgograd region. The company carries out many large-scale investment projects and honours its commitments. With the opening of the new complex, the Volgograd region and the whole of Russia will receive products that hold up to world's highest standards, and this will directly support import substitution. The launch of the project will also decrease energy demand, lessen environmental load and improve quality of the products," noted Andrei Bocharov, Governor of the Volgograd region.

    "The Volgograd refinery is one of the most efficient in Russia. Over the years, LUKOIL invested 172 billion roubles in its modernization, thus increasing depth of refining to 96.7%. Nowadays, despite the pandemic, we carry on with selected investment projects to further enhance the product range of our refineries. For example, this year we plan to commission a delayed coking unit at our Nizhny Novgorod refinery," noted Vagit Alekperov, President of LUKOIL.

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