Johan Sverdru石油产量将增长至53.5万桶/天

   2021-02-03 互联网讯


核心提示:     据离岸工程网站1月28日消息 挪威北海巨型油田Johan Sverdrup的运营商Equinor表示,预计到2021年年

     据离岸工程网站1月28日消息 挪威北海巨型油田Johan Sverdrup的运营商Equinor表示,预计到2021年年中,该油田的日产量将增至53.5万桶。


    该公司表示:“Equinor及其合作伙伴于2020年11月对工厂产能进行了测试,以验证产量是否可能上升。 我们测试了每天高达53.5万桶的石油产量。”


    Johan Sverdrup运营副总裁Rune Nedregaard说:“这一增长是可能的,因为从第一天开始,油田产量就非常好和稳定,而且油井的产量甚至比预期的还要好。”


    Equinor提醒称,Johan Sverdrup油田的能源来自海岸,每桶二氧化碳排放量非常低。


    该公司补充说:“Johan Sverdrup的原油具有很高的价值,在整个油田开发中,每桶原油的盈亏平衡低于20美元。”

    Equinor为该油田的运营商,持股比例为42.6%,合作伙伴包括挪威伦丁能源公司(20%)、派特洛(17.36%)、Aker BP(11.5733%)和道达尔(8.44%)。

    吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


    Johan Sverdrup Field's Oil Output Capacity to Grow to 535,000 Barrels a Day

    The Johan Sverdrup, Norway's giant oil field in the North Sea, is expected to increase its daily production capacity up to 535,000 barrels of oil by mid-2021, Equinor, the operator of the field said.

    The increase is around 100,000 barrels more than the original basis at start-up in October 2019.

    "Equinor and its partners tested the plant capacity in November 2020 to verify a possible production rise. Rates up to 535,000 barrels of oil per day were tested," the company said.

    The capacity increase depends on water-injection, which is planned for this year.

    "This increase is possible because the field production has been very good and stable from day one, and the wells have produced even better than expected," says Rune Nedregaard, vice president for Johan Sverdrup operations.

    This will be the third capacity increase since the field came on stream in October 2019.

    Equinor reminded that the Johan Sverdrup field was powered from shore with very low CO2 emissions per barrel.

    "In 2020 one barrel of oil produced at the field emitted below 0.2 kg CO2 – almost 100 times lower than the global average. Emissions during the field life are estimated at less than 0.7kg CO2 per produced barrel," the company said.

    "The barrels from Johan Sverdrup is of high value with a break-even below USD 20 per barrel for the full field development," the company added.

    Equinor is the operator of the field with 42.6%, with partners being Lundin Energy Norway: 20%, Petoro: 17.36%, Aker BP: 11.5733% and Total: 8.44%.

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