
   2021-02-03 互联网讯


核心提示:     据天然气加工网站1月28日消息 保加利亚国家天然气公司Bulgartransgaz敲定了一项收购希腊Gastrade

     据天然气加工网站1月28日消息 保加利亚国家天然气公司Bulgartransgaz敲定了一项收购希腊Gastrade公司20%股权的协议,该公司正在亚历山德鲁波利斯市附近开发一个浮式液化天然气设施。





    吴恒磊 编译自 天然气加工


    Bulgaria takes 20% stake in Greek LNG terminal

    Bulgaria's state gas company Bulgartransgaz has finalized a deal to take 20% of Greek company Gastrade, which is developing a floating LNG facility off the city of Alexandroupolis.

    The Alexandroupolis LNG Terminal will have an estimated annual capacity of about 5.5 billion cubic meters and will aim to supply gas to southeastern Europe via the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) pipeline.

    The deal is part of Bulgaria's strategy to diversify. The deal has been approved by Bulgaria's competition regulator.

    The FSRU will be moored in the offshore area 17.6 km southwest of the port of Alexandroupolis. The floating unit will be connected to the National Natural Gas Transmission System through a pipeline system of a total length of 28 km.

    The project is expected to commence operations in 2023.

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