
   2021-03-05 互联网讯


核心提示:     据道琼斯3月4日消息,奥地利油气公司OMV周四表示,公司计划投资约3,000万欧元(3,620万美元)在奥地





    张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯


    OMV to Build Pilot Plant for Second-Generation Biofuels in Austria

    OMV AG said Thursday that it plans to invest around 30 million euros ($36.2 million) to build a pilot plant that produces second-generation biofuels at its Schwechat Refinery in Austria.

    The Austrian oil-and-gas company said the plant, which will become part of the existing value chain at the refinery, will use a catalyst to produce propanol from glycerin.

    "A typical refining process will see the waste-based substance glycerin turned into bio-alcohol, which when added to gasoline reduces its CO2 footprint," it said.

    The plant's capacity will be 1.25 million liters of propanol per year, leading to a carbon-dioxide reduction of around 1,800 metric tons, according to OMV. It is expected to be operational in 2023.

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