
   2021-03-04 互联网讯


核心提示:     据ICIS-MRC网站3月3日莫斯科报道,根据CISION引用美国化学委员会(ACC)的数据显示,美国化学生产区

     据ICIS-MRC网站3月3日莫斯科报道,根据CISION引用美国化学委员会(ACC)的数据显示,美国化学生产区域指数(US CPRI)继去年12月和11月分别上涨1.4%和1.1%后,今年1月上涨0.8%。


    以3MMA为基准,氯碱,肥料,有机化学品,合成橡胶,塑料树脂,人造纤维,工业气体以及合成染料和颜料的化学生产继续增长。 涂料,粘合剂,农作物保护,消费品和其他特种化学品的产量缓解了。


    与2020年1月相比,美国化学品产量同比下降0.6%,是连续第20个月同比下降,但与年初相比显示出持续的增长。 除墨西哥湾沿岸地区(年同比增长2.5%)外,所有地区的化学品产量均低于一年前。

    郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


    US chemical production rises 0.8% in January - ACC

    The US Chemical Production Regional Index (US CPRI) rose 0.8% in January following a 1.4% gain in December and a 1.1% gain in November, according to CISION with reference to the American Chemistry Council (ACC).

    During January, chemical output expanded in nearly all regions. The Gulf Coast region showed the largest gain, with smaller gains seen in the Midwest, Southeast, Ohio Valley, and Northeast regions. Output was flat in the Mid-Atlantic region and edged lower in the West Coast. The US CPRI is measured on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis.

    Chemical production continued to expand in chlor-alkali, fertilizers, organic chemicals, synthetic rubber, plastic resins, manufactured fibers, industrial gases, and synthetic dyes and pigments, measured on a 3MMA basis. Production eased for coatings, adhesives, crop protection, consumer products, and other specialty chemicals.

    As nearly all manufactured goods are produced using chemistry in some form, manufacturing activity is an important indicator for chemical demand. The manufacturing recovery continued for a sixth consecutive month in January, with overall factory activity up by 1.0% (3MMA).

    Compared with January 2020, US chemical production remained off by 0.6% on a year-over-year (Y/Y) basis, the twentieth straight month of Y/Y declines, but showed continued improvement compared with earlier in the year. Chemical production remained lower than a year ago in all regions except in the Gulf Coast region, which was up 2.5% Y/Y.

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