
   2021-03-08 互联网讯


核心提示:     据石油世界期刊3月3日报道,哥伦比亚3月1日在由IHS Markit举办的CERAWeek开幕上表示,哥伦比亚政

     据石油世界期刊3月3日报道,哥伦比亚3月1日在由IHS Markit举办的CERAWeek开幕上表示,哥伦比亚政府正在加快重要改革的设计,以吸引外国直接投资于清洁能源发电,以便该国能够开发太阳能和风能资源。



    郝芬 译自 石油世界期刊


    CERAWeek: Colombia accelerating reforms to attract clean energy investment -Duke

    The government of Colombia is accelerating the design of important reforms to attract foreign direct investment in clean energy generation so that the country can develop its solar and wind resources, President said March 1 on the opening day of CERAWeek by IHS Markit.

    The goal of the government is to increase the contribution of so called non-conventional renewable resources to the total generation matrix of the country from 0.2% currently to over 14% in the next few years, Duque Marquez said.

    By the end of 2021, Colombia will have over 1 GW of total installed capacity generation using solar or wind technologies and will reach 2.5 GW by the end of 2022. Over the next five years, another 4.8 GW will be installed through a series of energy auctions, he said.

    According to the Colombian Association of power generators (Acolgen), 68.3% of Colombia's total installed capacity for power generation, or 11.8 GW, is hydroelectric and the remaining 30.7% is produced through conventional thermal sources. Solar and wind currently account for only 0.2% of total capacity.

    "This can be the largest expansion of an energy matrix base on non-conventional renewables," he said.

    In the process, the president wants to increase the attractiveness of the country to foreign direct investment, just like other countries such as Argentina are trying to do.

    "We want Colombia to be considered as the place for international investment in Latin America," he said.

    That way, Colombia plans to reduce its CO2 emissions by 51% by 2030, the president said, adding that Colombia is trying to generate confidence among the international business community through legal certainty for investments.

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