
   2021-03-05 互联网讯


核心提示:     据石油新闻2021年3月3日墨西哥城报道,公司高管们3月2日在IHS Markit举办的剑桥能源周(CERAWeek

     据石油新闻2021年3月3日墨西哥城报道,公司高管们3月2日在IHS Markit举办的剑桥能源周(CERAWeek)的第2天会议上表示,巴西和哥伦比亚的国家石油公司正开始关注天然气,以期适应能源转型,而墨西哥继续其对天然气进口的依赖。




    巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油/Petrobras)首席战略官拉斐尔· 查维斯·桑托斯在会上表示,巴西国油将放弃陆上和浅水业务,转而集中在深水和超深水领域,巴西国油认为自己在这些领域具有竞争优势。


    李峻 编译自 石油新闻


    Brazil, Colombia adjusting upstream portfolios as energy transition strategy

    The state oil companies of Brazil and Colombia are beginning to focus on gas in order to adjust to energy transition, while Mexico keeps its dependency on imports, executives said March 2 on the second day of CERAWeek by IHS Markit.

    Colombia's Ecopetrol is increasing the competitiveness of its portfolio to avoid stranded assets and diversifying into natural gas, said Juan Manuel Rojas, the company's corporate vice president of strategy and business development.

    "We are increasing the participation of gas to the overall upstream portfolio from 20% today to 35% by the end of 2030," Rojas said.

    The company is also accelerating the decarbonization of its operations and diversifying. It has announced the first renewable power generation projects and will analyze energy transmission, he said.

    Petrobras is abandoning the onshore and shallow-water operations to concentrate in deepwater and ultra-deepwater, where the company feels it has a competitive advantage, said Rafael Chaves Santos, chief strategy officer.

    "We are focusing our portfolio on ultra-deepwater, pre-salt, where lifting costs are $4/b and selling assets in shallow water, where costs are higher," Chaves Santos said.

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