
   2021-03-08 互联网讯


核心提示:     据Neftegaz.RU 3月4日报道,法国液化空气集团(Air Liquide)通过其拥有75%股份的合资企业液化空

     据Neftegaz.RU 3月4日报道,法国液化空气集团(Air Liquide)通过其拥有75%股份的合资企业液化空气ALMTG增加在哈萨克斯坦的业务,以增加其在该国影响力。



    执行副总裁兼欧洲工业活动监督执行委员会成员弗朗索瓦?杰科夫(Francois Jackow)说:“这是我们迄今为止在哈萨克斯坦最重要的投资,通过这项投资将提高该国提高能源生产效率和供应可靠性。我们很高兴加强与市场领导者KazMunayGas在哈萨克斯坦的合作,继而为该国的工业现代化和发展作出贡献。我们将继续长期致力于为客户提供专业知识及创新的环保解决方案。”



    朱利斌 摘译自Neftegaz.RU


    Air Liquide announced plans to invest up to €86 mln in hydrogen & nitrogen production units in Kazakhstan

    Air Liquide increases its presence in Kazakhstan through its 75% owned joint venture Air Liquide Munay Tech Gases (ALMTG).

    The joint venture will invest up to 86 million euros to acquire hydrogen and nitrogen production units from Atyrau refinery owned by KazMunayGas and to modernize them.

    Such investments will be carried out through the company’s 75% owned joint venture Air Liquide Munay Tech Gases (ALMTG) as part of an effort to increase its presense in Kazakhstan.

    In the framework of a new long-term agreement, ALMTG will operate these assets to supply industrial gases to the Atyrau refinery.

    Up to 200 million Nm3 of hydrogen and up to 50 million Nm3 of nitrogen will be produced annually on the site.

    Francois Jackow, Executive VP and a member of the Executive Committee supervising Europe Industries activities, said,:We are pleased to reinforce the collaboration we have been building with the market leader KazMunayGas since our entry in Kazakhstan.This new agreement illustrates our continued commitment to providing long-term expertise and innovative environmentally responsible solutions to our customers With this investment - the most important we have yet announced in the country - to increase energy efficiency and provide reliable supply, we will contribute to the modernization and development of the country’s industry.

    ALMTG is a respectively 75% and 25% owned joint venture between Air Liquide and KazMunayGaz (KMG).

    For more than 2 years, ALMTG has been operating hydrogen and nitrogen production units for KMG’s refinery of Pavlodar.

    Air Liquide’s revenue amounted to more than 20 billion euros in 2020.

    The company is present in 78 countries with approximately 64 500 employees.

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