
   2021-03-08 互联网讯


核心提示:     据3月3日FX Empire报道,埃克森美孚将于周三美国股市开盘前举行2021年投资者日活动,随后,欧佩克

     据3月3日FX Empire报道,埃克森美孚将于周三美国股市开盘前举行2021年投资者日活动,随后,欧佩克+将宣布其产量决定。







    埃克森美孚的欧洲竞争对手,如英国石油公司(BP)、荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)和道达尔(Total),已经开始着手控制石油产量,并在2050年前大幅降低碳排放。相比之下,埃克森美孚显然不愿效仿竞争对手的环保议程,因此受到了强烈批评。

    埃克森将在多大程度上实现净零目标,还有待观察。有鉴于此,埃克森美孚在本周任命了维权投资者杰夫?乌本(Jeff Ubben)进入董事会,以使该公司更注重环保,同时成立一个新的业务部门,专注于低碳排放技术。

    不过,要安抚Engine 1等维权投资者,埃克森美孚可能还需要付出更多。要知道,Engine 1持有超过4亿美元的埃克森股票。







    王佳晶 摘译自 FX Empire


    Big Week for Big Oil

    Exxon Mobil is set to hold its 2021 Investor Day before US markets open on Wednesday, a day before OPEC+ announces its output decision.

    In the lead up to these key events, which serve as key barometers for the global oil industry’s outlook, Exxon Mobil’s share prices have been on a tear, surging 36% so far in 2021. Having formed a technical “golden cross” in mid-January, the stock’s uptrend since November remains firmly intact. However, with its 14-day relative strength index (RSI) flirting with overbought territory, this stock has been prone to dip once that 70 threshold is reached.

    Key considerations for Exxon Mobil’s Investor Day

    When Exxon held its investor day in 2020, the world had yet to fully realize the full extent of the damage wrought by Covid-19. Now, some 12 months later and with the astonishing recovery in oil prices since, investors will be eager for more details on how Exxon intends to forge ahead into the post-pandemic era:Investment strategy

    Greater capital expenditure, with the aim of taking advantage of the oil price recovery, could also threaten Exxon’s massive pledge of $15 billion in annual dividends. The company stated recently that its cashflow would be enough to meet its dividend commitment at $50 Brent.

    Yet, markets will be cognizant of Exxon’s latest earnings announcement on 2 February, declaring its first annual net loss since its 1999 merger that created the largest US oil company, also its first annual net loss in about 40 years. In the aftermath of a year to forget for Big Oil, investors want to know whether Exxon can get that tricky balance right between strengthening its balance sheet and the spending required to take advantage of future opportunities, all while trying to appease dividend-hungry shareholders.

    Carbon emissions

    Exxon’s European rivals, such as BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and Total, are already making the shift to curb oil and drastically lower their carbon emissions by 2050. In contrast, Exxon has been loudly criticized over their apparent reluctance to match their rivals’ adoption of the green agenda.

    It remains to be seen how much Exxon will warm up (no pun intended) to a net-zero carbon goal. With that in mind, Exxon appointed activist investor Jeff Ubben to its board just this week to give Exxon a more environmentally-friendly tilt while also setting up a new business unit to focus on low-emission technologies.

    Still, much more is likely required out of Exxon in order to appease activist investors such as Engine No.1, which holds over $400 million in Exxon shares.

    While Exxon Mobil’s Investor Day holds plenty of potential developments to rock its share prices, more volatility could be in store for Big Oil stocks the day after.

    OPEC+ supply decision looms

    On Thursday, OPEC+ is set to decide on the output levels for its 23 members for April, and could restore as much as 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd) back into global markets next month. That 1.5 million figure includes Saudi Arabia’s voluntary cuts of 1 million bpd that had been implemented throughout February and March.

    Markets are already expecting the alliance to ease at least 500,000 bpd back into the world, hence the declines in oil benchmarks in recent sessions as they ponder the prospects of OPEC+ taps being loosened. Confirmation that a full 1.5 million bpd being flooded back into global markets starting next month could even drag Brent back to sub-$60 levels once more, and pare down its 21% in year-to-date gains.

    To be clear, this isn’t to suggest we could see oil prices capitulate this week. The global demand recovery appears robust enough to absorb more incoming barrels of oil in April. However, it’s the supply side of the equation as will be determined by OPEC+ this week that could determine whether Brent above $60/bbl is warranted in the immediate aftermath.

    The decision by OPEC+ wouldn’t just impact Brent and WTI crude prices, but is also likely to feed into the stock prices of oil companies over the coming days. With investors having plenty to digest over the next couple of days, this pair of events could dictate how oil-linked assets perform over the immediate term.

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