
   2021-03-08 互联网讯


核心提示:     据俄罗斯油气网3月3日消息称,英力士和Engie正计划在比利时进行一项试点项目,将在一个商业规模的


    Engie Generation欧洲公司首席执行官Cedric Osterrieth说:Engie相信氢是实现碳中性经济的关键环节,并希望在这些工业规模的试验中发挥先锋作用,无论是在研究方面还是在实际实施方面。这个试点项目将让我们更好地了解使用氢来减少碳排放,让我们离碳中性的未来更近一步。


    英力士苯酚工厂首席执行官Hans Casier说:如今,英力士已经每年生产30万吨氢,作为其化学过程的“副产品”。这种氢气在其自身的生产过程中主要用作低碳燃料和原料,因此需要使用的化石原料更少。英力士最近开始了一项新的业务活动,重点是发展“清洁氢产能”。


    曹海斌 摘译自 俄罗斯油气网


    British Ineos and French Engie launches hydrogen pilot project

    Ineos and Engie are planning a pilot project in Belgium, that will use hydrogen in a commercial-scale cogeneration plant, replacing the natural gas feed for generating electricity and heat. Initially, 10% of the gas feed will be replaced with hydrogen and, if all goes well, this will be increased to 20%.

    Cedric Osterrieth, CEO Engie Generation Europe, said: Engie believes in hydrogen as a key link to a carbon-neutral economy and wants to take a pioneering role with these industrial-scale tests, both in terms of research and practical implementation. This pilot project will give us better insights into the use of hydrogen to reduce carbon emissions, bringing us one step closer to a carbon-neutral future.

    The initiative is part of the roadmap that Ineos defined late last year for its sites in Antwerp, Belgium, to become climate neutral by 2050 and to cut emissions by 55% by 2030 (based on 1990 levels).

    Hans Casier, CEO Ineos Phenol, said: Today, Ineos already produces 300,000 tons of hydrogen on an annual basis as a ‘co-product’ of its chemical processes. This hydrogen is largely used as a low-carbon fuel and as a raw material in its own production processes so that fewer fossil raw materials have to be used. Ineos recently started a new business activity that focuses on the development of ?clean hydrogen capacity?.

    This hydrogen fuel transition is becoming more commonplace worldwide in tests for greener energy. Many experts feel that H2 will become an important renewable energy source as the world moves toward climate-neutral power targets.

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