Aker Solutions获得高价值北海天然气平台改造合同

   2021-03-08 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源之声3月5日消息,阿克解决方案(Aker Solutions)公司获得了一份价值约8亿挪威克朗(6700万英

     据能源之声3月5日消息,阿克解决方案(Aker Solutions)公司获得了一份价值约8亿挪威克朗(6700万英镑)的合同,对北海天然气平台进行改造。

    这家挪威能源服务公司将立即开始工作,提高挪国油(Equinor)公司sgard B天然气和凝析油设备的产量。

    Aker Solutions将负责新设备的工程、采购、建造和安装(EPCI),工作预计于2024年完成。


    sgard B是一个位于挪威近海的浮式生产储存和卸油平台,与附近几个气田和凝析气田的水下设施相连。

    此次改造将提高Smrbukk South油藏的产量。

    该合同是在Aker Solutions完成前端工程和设计(FEED)工作后授予的。


    它位于挪威中部125英里外的Haltenbanken地区,包括Midgard、Sm?rbukk和Sm?rbukk South 油藏。

    Aker Solutions电气化、维护和改造执行副总裁Linda Litlekals?y Aase表示:“我们很高兴为挪国油执行这个改造项目,努力通过利用现有设备对资源进行负责任的管理,以提高产量。”



    挪国油项目高级副总裁Geir Tungesvik表示:“我们很高兴?sgard所有者批准了低压项目。


    此外,我们还将与Aker Solutions签订合同,这将为Aker Solutions提供有价值的活动,并在困难时期帮助维持工作岗位。

    我们仍然可以从该油田生产4 -5亿桶石油当量。这意味着价值创造在1500 - 2000亿挪威克朗左右。”

    sgard运营副总裁Randi Hugdahl表示:“目前该油田的采收率接近50%,但我们的目标是在该油田关闭之前开采储层中60%的碳氢化合物。”

    裘寅 编译自 能源之声


    Aker Solutions lands £67m contract to modify North Sea gas platform

    Aker Solutions has bagged a contract worth around NOK 800 million (£67m) to carry out modifications on a North Sea gas platform.

    The Norwegian energy services firm will start work immediately to enable increased production from Equinor’s ?sgard B gas and condensate installation.

    Aker Solutions will be responsible for engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) of new equipment, with work due to be completed in 2024.

    It’s estimated the project will involve more than 1,600 workers either directly or indirectly.

    ?sgard B, a floating production storage and offloading platform located off Norway, is connected to subsea installations at several nearby gas and condensate fields.

    The modifications will enable increased production from the Sm?rbukk South reservoir.

    The award follows completion of the front-end engineering and design (FEED) work, also carried out by Aker Solutions.

    The Asgard Filed was discovered in 1985 and is one of the largest developments on the Norwegian continental shelf.

    It’s located in Haltenbanken area, around 125 miles off mid-Norway, and comprises the Midgard, Sm?rbukk and Sm?rbukk South deposits.

    Linda Litlekals?y Aase, executive vice president, electrification, maintenance and modifications at Aker Solutions, said: “We are excited to perform this modification project for Equinor, focusing on responsible management of resources by utilizing existing installations to enable increased production.

    “We have a strong track-record from successful deliveries of several similar projects previously.In projects like this, it is important to perform the offshore installation work safely and with a minimum of interruption of the ongoing production on other parts of the platform. Hence, we have developed special expertise and models to execute such contracts.”

    The partners in the ?sgard licence will invest a total of just under NOK 1.4 billion (£118m) to further develop the field and implement the low-pressure project.

    Geir Tungesvik, Equinor’s senior vice president for projects, said: “We’re pleased that the ?sgard owners have given their go-ahead for the low-pressure project.

    “The project will increase production from the current Sm?rbukk wells and contribute to achieve planned production from the field.

    “We’re also awarding a contract to Aker Solutions which will provide valuable activity and help maintain jobs in a difficult time.

    “We can still produce 400-500 million barrels of oil equivalent from the field. This means value creation in the order of NOK 150 – 200 billion.

    “The current recovery rate for the field is almost 50 percent, but our ambition is to extract 60 percent of the hydrocarbons in the reservoirs before the field will have to be shut down,” says Randi Hugdahl, vice president for ?sgard operations.”

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