
   2021-03-10 互联网讯


核心提示:     据安迅思3月9日消息称,据《化学周刊》报道,OMV表示将投资3000万欧元(3600万美元)在其位于奥地






    朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思


    OMV to invest USD36 million in glycerin-to-propanol pilot plant in Austria

    OMV (Vienna, Austria) says it will invest EUR30 million (USD36 million) building a glycerin-to-propanol pilot plant at its refining and petrochemicals complex at Schwechat, Austria, with the propanol produced to be used as a sustainable feedstock for chemicals, in addition to being a bio-additive for gasoline, reported Chemweek.

    Construction is scheduled to start in the second quarter of 2021, with the unit to be operational in 2023, it says. The plant will use a catalyst developed inhouse by OMV to produce propanol from waste-based glycerin, a byproduct from biodiesel production. The propanol will be used mainly as a bio-additive to reduce gasoline’s carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint, but with other applications to include as a “sustainable feedstock for the chemicals market as a replacement for fossil-based propanol,” it says.

    The pilot plant investment follows five years of research, says OMV. The new unit will be located adjacent to the company’s ReOil plant, which produces synthetic oil from waste plastic for use in nearby olefins and polyolefins plants operated by its subsidiary Borealis, so that both facilities can utilize a single measuring station and synergies, it says.

    The pilot plant’s capacity of 1.25 million metric liters/year of propanol will lead to an estimated reduction in CO2 emissions of around 1,800 metric tons/year, it says. OMV says the long-term plan is to commercialize the glycerin-to-propanol technology to produce around 125 million liters/year of propanol and reduce CO2 emissions by around 180,000 metric tons.

    OMV last month announced it would invest about EUR25 million, in partnership with Kommunalkredit, building an electrolysis plant for the production of green hydrogen at Schwechat. The 10-megawatt (MW) polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis facility will produce up to 1,500 metric tons/year of renewable hydrogen, with the plant expected online in the second half of 2023.

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