
   2021-03-12 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源世界网3月11日伦敦报道,英国政府周三表示,英国将投资9500万英镑(约合1.32亿美元)建设两


    亨伯地区的Able Marine Energy Park将获得7500万英镑,Teesside的Teesworks海上制造中心将获得2000万英镑。


    通用电气可再生能源公司(GE Renewable Energy)证实,将在蒂塞德(Teesside)新建一家海上风机叶片制造厂。该地区曾是许多重工业的发源地,包括2015年进入清算的Redcar steelworks。

    该公司将于2023年开始生产,并向位于英格兰东北部沿海的Dogger Bank风电场提供叶片。


    郝芬 译自 能源世界网


    UK government to invest $132 million in new offshore wind facilities

    Britain will invest 95 million pounds ($132 million) in the construction of two new facilities to service a big expansion in offshore wind farms, creating around 6,000 jobs in the north of England, the government said on Wednesday.

    Able Marine Energy Park, in the Humber region, will receive up to 75 million pounds, and Teesworks Offshore Manufacturing Centre on Teesside, will get up to 20 million pounds.

    The two sites will house manufacturers supporting the development of up to 9 GW of offshore wind energy projects each year, which will be enough electricity to power around 8 million homes, the government said.

    Construction will begin later this year.

    GE Renewable Energy has confirmed it will build a new offshore wind blade manufacturing factory on Teesside. The area was formerly home to much heavy industry, including the Redcar steelworks which went into liquidation in 2015.

    It will start production in 2023 and supply blades to the Dogger Bank wind farm, off the coast of northeast England.

    The government said the new infrastructure will help meet its target to quadruple offshore wind capacity 40 GW by 2030.

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