埃尼和Var Energi宣布在挪威近海发现石油

   2021-03-12 互联网讯


核心提示:     据阿纳多卢新闻3月11日消息称,意大利埃尼集团周三在一份声明中表示,通过Var Energi宣布,通过钻

     据阿纳多卢新闻3月11日消息称,意大利埃尼集团周三在一份声明中表示,通过Var Energi宣布,通过钻探Isflak勘探前景,在巴伦支海生产许可证PL532中发现了新的石油。

    该井位于Skrugard发现西南约10公里处,Hammerfest西北约230公里处。它是由半潜式钻井平台Transocean Enabler在349米的水深进行钻探的。


    根据声明,Var Energi AS持有许可证30%的股份,而运营商Equinor Energy持有50%的股份,Petoro AS持有剩余20%的股份。

    Isflak的发现证实了Var Energi以基础设施为主导的巴伦支海勘探战略的成功,为Johan Castberg项目提供了额外的高价值石油。

    Var Energi由埃尼集团和私募股权投资者HitecVision共同拥有。

    曹海斌 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻


    Eni, Var Energi announces oil discovery offshore Norway

    Italian Eni, through Var Energi, announced a new oil discovery in the production license PL532 in the Barents Sea by drilling the Isflak exploration prospect, Eni said in a statement on Wednesday.

    The well is located about 10 kilometers southwest of the Skrugard discovery and 230 kilometers northwest of Hammerfest. It was drilled at a water depth of 349 meters by the semi-submersible drilling rig, Transocean Enabler.

    "Preliminary estimates place the size of the discovery between 65 and 100 million barrels of oil equivalent (Mboe) hydrocarbons in place," the statement read.

    According to the statement, Var Energi AS holds a 30% stake in the license, while the operator, Equinor Energy, holds a 50% share and Petoro AS holds the remaining 20% interest.

    The Isflak discovery confirms Var Energi's successful infrastructure-led exploration strategy in the Barents Sea, proofing additional high value barrels for the Johan Castberg project, the statement said.

    Var Energi is jointly owned by Eni and private equity investor HitecVision.

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