
   2021-03-25 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源之声3月24日消息,日本贸易公司三菱和国有能源机构Jogmec(日本石油天然气、金属矿物资源机

     据能源之声3月24日消息,日本贸易公司三菱和国有能源机构Jogmec(日本石油天然气、金属矿物资源机构)正与印尼生产商Panca Amara Utama (PAU)探索蓝氨的潜在产量。

    三菱和Jogmec在3月19日表示,他们已与PAU和拥有CCS(碳捕集与封存)专业知识的印尼国立万隆理工学院(banung Institute of Technology)达成协议,开展CCS可行性研究。该研究计划在印度尼西亚中部苏拉威西省的PAU工厂和三菱年产200万吨的Donggi-Senoro液化天然气出口工厂附近进行。

    PAU作为其子公司的印度尼西亚上市天然气精炼商Surya Esa Perkasa(SEP)首席执行官Chander Vinod Laroya表示:“作为世界上最新,效率最高的制氨厂(所有者)之一,PAU处于理想的位置,可以帮助政府实现到2030年将二氧化碳排放量减少29%的目标。”

    Laroya表示,PAU 蓝氨厂项目是世界上第一个“最新的氨技术应用,使印尼处于全球氨生产的前沿”。






    裘寅 编译自 能源之声


    Japanese partners eye Indonesian blue ammonia production

    Japanese trading house Mitsubishi and state-owned energy agency Jogmec are exploring potential blue ammonia output with Indonesian producer Panca Amara Utama (PAU).

    Mitsubishi and Japan Oil, Gas and metals National Corporation (Jogmec) said on 19 March that they have agreed with PAU and Indonesia’s national Bandung Institute of Technology, which has expertise in CCS, to undertake a CCS feasibility study. The study is planned for near the PAU plant and Mitsubishi’s 2 million tonne per year Donggi-Senoro LNG export plant, both in the Indonesian province of central Sulawesi.

    “As [the owner of] one of the newest and most efficient ammonia plants in the world, PAU is ideally placed to help achieve the government’s CO2 [carbon dioxide] emissions reduction target of 29% by 2030,” chief executive Chander Vinod Laroya of Indonesian-listed gas refiner Surya Esa Perkasa (SEP), which owns PAU.

    Laroya said the PAU blue ammonia plant project was the world’s first application of the “latest ammonia technology, putting Indonesia at the forefront of global ammonia production.”

    Blue ammonia is produced from fossil fuels, such as natural gas, with the carbon dioxide (CO2) generated managed through carbon capture and storage (CCS).

    A major natural gas producer, Indonesia has been making fertilizers, plastics and chemical products using ammonia. Expectations are increasing for ammonia to become a source of next-generation clean energy, as it does not emit CO2 during combustion.

    Mitsubishi said in a separate press release that the blue ammonia produced by the PAU plant would be exported to fuel coal-fired power plants in Japan. “Through this clean fuel ammonia project, we will make an effort to contribute towards realising a decarbonised society and securing stable energy supply for Japan,” Mitsubishi said in the release.

    Mitsubishi and its Indonesian partner SEP began production at the 660,000 tonne per year PAU joint-venture ammonia plant in 2018. The plant uses natural gas from the nearby Senoro and Toili fields, in which Mitsubishi partners South Korea’s state-owned Kogas.

    Japan is aiming to expand the use of ammonia as a fuel as part of efforts to hit its 2050 decarbonisation goal, with imports forecast to begin as early as 2025 initially for co-firing at coal-fired power plants.

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