
   2021-03-25 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源之声3月24日消息,澳大利亚著名油气生产商桑托斯(Santos)授予了其在澳大利亚北部36亿美元的


    桑托斯今天表示,BW Offshore将建造、连接和运营浮式生产储存和卸载(FPSO)船。该交易将取决于最终投资决定(FID),预计将在几周内完成。该交易标志着巴罗萨海上天然气和凝析油项目的最大资本支出,该项目旨在回填老化的达尔文LNG出口终端。


    桑托斯首席执行官Kevin Gallagher表示:“资本支出的减少使巴罗萨成为世界上LNG供应成本最低的项目之一,并将为日益紧张的LNG市场提供新的供应。”

    去年12月,澳大利亚研究和咨询公司EnergyQuest报告称,去年年末该公司投资者日展示的一张图表显示(没有点名竞争项目),巴罗萨至达尔文LNG的成本将略低于PNG LNG项目,大大低于伍德赛德石油公司在西澳大利亚棕地项目的成本。




    Gallagher补充道:“去年年底,我们宣布,通过达尔文收费的巴罗萨天然气运输和加工协议已经完成,我们还与日本三菱公司全资子公司Diamond gas International签署了长期液化天然气销售协议。”



    桑托斯(62.5%)目前与合作伙伴SK E&S(37.5%)共同持有巴罗萨合资公司的运营权益。

    桑托斯将向达尔文LNG合作伙伴JERA出售巴罗萨12.5%的股份,并将向SK E&S出售Bayu-Undan和达尔文LNG 25%的股份,这是一项具有约束力的协议,取决于巴罗萨的最终投资决策。

    值得注意的是,巴罗萨的储层含有16%至20%的二氧化碳,是澳大利亚的液化天然气开发项目之一,任何关注气候风险的投资者都会感到担忧。作为全球最大的液化天然气买家,日本正日益推动碳中和能源议程。这可能解释了为什么桑托斯和Diamond Gas也签署了一项协议,以共同考虑从巴罗萨获得碳中和液化天然气的机会。

    裘寅 编译自 能源之声


    Santos hands out FPSO deal for $3.6bn Barossa LNG scheme

    Australia’s Santos has awarded the biggest contract tied to its $3.6 billion Barossa liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in northern Australia that will backfill Darwin LNG. This offers a strong signal that a final approval for the scheme is imminent.

    Santos said today that BW Offshore will build, connect and operate the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. The deal is subject to a final investment decision (FID), expected within weeks, and marks the largest capital expenditure component of the $3.6 billion Barossa offshore gas and condensate project designed to backfill the ageing Darwin LNG export terminal.

    Under a hybrid financing agreement, the Barossa joint venture will lease the FPSO following an upfront prepayment of around half the capital cost and hold an option to buy-out the floater. This “achieves an overall reduction of approximately $1 billion in capital expenditure,” said Santos.

    “This reduction in capital expenditure makes Barossa one of the lowest cost of supply projects in the world for LNG and will provide new supply into a tightening LNG market,” said Santos chief executive Kevin Gallagher.

    A chart shown at the company’s investor day late last year suggested, without naming competing projects, that Barossa-to-Darwin LNG would be slightly lower cost than PNG LNG and significantly below Woodside Petroleum’s brownfield projects in Western Australia, Australian research and consultancy firm EnergyQuest reported last December.

    The FPSO will be built in South Korea and Singapore before being towed and permanently located at the field, where it will process natural gas prior to its transport via pipeline to Darwin LNG. Condensate will be stored on the FPSO for periodic offloading.

    Barossa will provide the next source of gas for the existing Santos-operated Darwin LNG plant once current reserves from the Santos-operated Bayu-Undan field in the Timor Sea have been depleted.

    Gallagher said the award of the FPSO contract builds on the momentum of the Barossa project over the past six months and is the final milestone ahead of FID.

    “At the end of last year, we announced that transport and processing agreements had been finalised for Barossa gas to be tolled through Darwin LNG and we signed a long-term LNG sales agreement with Diamond Gas International, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation,” added Gallagher.

    FID on the Barossa project is expected in the coming weeks with first gas targeted for the first half of 2025, said Santos.

    LNG developers in Australasia are racing against each other, as well as more competitive low-cost suppliers in Russia, Qatar and the U.S., to fill a projected market supply gap post 2025. Still, Barossa looks well positioned, as Santos has taken steps to boost the capital efficiency with an estimated breakeven price of $5/million British thermal units delivered to Asia.

    Santos currently holds a 62.5% operated interest in the Barossa joint venture along with partner SK E&S (37.5 per cent).

    Santos is finalising an agreement to sell a 12.5% stake in Barossa to Darwin LNG partner JERA and has a binding agreement to sell 25% interests in Bayu-Undan and Darwin LNG to SK E&S, subject to FID on Barossa.

    Significantly, Barossa’s reservoir, with 16% to 20% carbon dioxide, makes it one of Australia’s  LNG developments, and would concern any investor focused on climate risks. Japan, the world’s top LNG buyer, is increasingly pushing a carbon neutral energy agenda. This likely explains why Santos and Diamond Gas, have also signed an agreement to jointly consider opportunities for carbon neutral LNG from Barossa.

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