
   2021-03-24 互联网讯


核心提示:     据ICIS-MRC网站3月23日莫斯科报道,据烃加工网信息显示,由于应对全球新冠疫情导致旅行减少,2020



    旅客航空旅行的能源效率既取决于运行效率(相对于空座位,航班上有多少乘客)也取决于飞机燃油效率。根据美国运输统计局(U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics)的数据显示,2019年,美国国内航班客座率为85%和国际航班客座率为83%。2020年,这些被称为客座率的百分比下降,由于座位供需不匹配,以及一些航空公司为了让乘客彼此保持距离而实行的座位限制。据EIA预计,随着航空公司调整载客能力以适应需求,以及取消座位限制,近期客座率将会上升。


    郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


    U.S. jet fuel consumption fell significantly in 2020

    U.S. air travel fell significantly in 2020 because of reduced travel in response to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, said Hydrocarbonprocessing.

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects total U.S. passenger air travel demand will return to 2019 levels by 2025, but passenger travel jet fuel consumption will not return to 2019 levels until nearly 2030. Increasing air travel efficiency means that increasing air travel does not necessarily result in similar changes in jet fuel consumption.

    The energy efficiency of passenger air travel depends on both operational efficiency (how many passengers, as opposed to empty seats, are on a flight) as well as aircraft fuel efficiency. In 2019, 85% of the seats on domestic flights and 83% of seats on international flights were filled, according to U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics data. In 2020, those percentages—known as load factors—fell because of mismatches in seat supply and demand as well as some airlines’ seating restrictions to allow passengers to distance from each other. EIA projects that load factors will increase in the near term as airlines adjust their capacity to more closely align with demand and as they remove seating restrictions.

    In 2020, many planes—primarily older planes—went unused for much of the year. These planes may not return to service because of their age or because they were converted to dedicated freighters to offset the loss in passenger aircraft belly freight capacity. EIA projects that newer, more efficient aircraft will replace these retired and converted aircraft, further accelerating improvement in passenger aircraft efficiency. Passenger travel accounted for an estimated 87% of U.S. commercial jet fuel consumption in 2019 and 83% of commercial jet fuel consumption in 2020.

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