
   2021-03-19 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源经济3月18日消息称,荷兰储油公司沃帕克希望在澳大利亚维多利亚州建造一个液化天然气进口终




    沃帕克澳大利亚董事总经理Fulco van Geuns在一份声明中说:“我们希望在维多利亚地区面临严重的天然气短缺之前,该设施能够投入使用。”


    van Geuns在电子邮件中说:“根据澳大利亚东南部国内天然气产量的下降情况,任何液化天然气进口终端都将在短期内成为冬季需求的供应站。”


    沃帕克选择了维多利亚州,尽管该州还有两个正在寻求批准的项目-一个由顶级能源零售商AGL Energy进行,另一个由Viva Energy进行,该公司在吉朗设有一个终端,距离沃帕克计划的地点不远。

    van Geuns说:“随着国内天然气的减少,以及目前昆士兰国内天然气供应来源的管道能力,沃帕克认为,将进口终端设在维多利亚州是最有意义的。”

    朱佳妮 摘译自 能源经济


    Vopak joins queue to build LNG import terminal in Australia

    Dutch oil storage company Vopak wants to build an LNG import terminal in Australia's Victoria state, vying with five other proposed projects to fill a looming gas supply gap in the country's southeast.

    Vopak said it wants to dock a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) in Port Phillip Bay near Melbourne. It hopes to submit a proposal to the Victoria state government in the third quarter of 2021.

    It aims to have first imports after 2024, when the market is expected to face a gas shortfall as the ageing fields that have long supplied the state's needs are rapidly drying up.

    "We would like to have the facility operational before Victoria is expected to be facing substantive gas shortages," Vopak Australia Managing Director Fulco van Geuns said in a statement.

    Vopak expects the terminal to be able to import up to 50 LNG cargoes annually, with an open access model providing services to LNG suppliers and gas market customers.

    "Expectations are that any LNG terminal would need to act as a peak shaver for winter demand in the near term, depending on the profile of decline of domestic gas production in southeast Australia," van Geuns said in emailed comments.

    The company has been in talks with potential customers, but did not elaborate due to confidentiality agreements.

    Vopak chose Victoria despite two other projects seeking approval in the state - one by top energy retailer AGL Energy and the other by Viva Energy which has a dock at Geelong, not far from Vopak's planned site.

    "With reducing domestic gas and the current pipeline capacity from Queensland domestic gas supply sources, Vopak believe that an import terminal makes most sense to be positioned in Victoria," van Geuns said.

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