
   2021-03-18 互联网讯


核心提示:     据油价网2021年3月15日报道,来自美国投资银行派珀·桑德勒(Piper Sandler)的克雷格•约翰逊日

     据油价网2021年3月15日报道,来自美国投资银行派珀·桑德勒(Piper Sandler)的克雷格•约翰逊日前表示,原油价格年内可能达到每桶100美元,并在今年年底前可能突破100美元大关。

    约翰逊是在接受CNBC记者采访时发表上述讲话的。他表示,“我可以预见,油价从现在起的未来6至12个月时间里突破100美元。”他指出,原油价格仍有强劲的上行潜力。“在我们看来,油价可能有超过40%的上行空间回到2018年创下的旧的高点,” 约翰逊如是说。



    然后是供应方面。欧佩克+决定维持其720万桶/天的减产计划,这使得布伦特原油价格在短期内突破了70美元/桶。普林斯顿能源顾问公司表示,如果欧佩克+继续限制产量,全球石油市场将出现约3.5% - 3.6%的需求缺口。而这一缺口确实有可能推动油价接近100美元。



    李峻 编译自 油价网


    Another Investment Bank Is Betting On $100 Oil

    Crude oil could hit $100 and top it, and this could happen before this year’s end, according to Craig Johnson from investment bank Piper Sandler.

    Speaking to CNBC, Johnson said, “I could actually see a number that could be north of 100 in the next, say, six to ... 12 months from here,” noting the still strong upside potential of crude. “To us, it looks like you could have more than 40% upside to get back to the old highs in 2018”.

    Johnson joins other financial professionals in their upbeat predictions for crude oil prices, largely driven by the $1.9-trillion economic stimulus package that Congress approved last week. That is widely expected to jumpstart the U.S. economy, boosting oil demand.

    Global demand recovery is also a factor in these bullish oil price forecasts even if this recovery has been uneven, strongest in Asia and most notably China but slow to return to pre-pandemic levels in other key markets.

    Then there is the supply side. OPEC+ has decided to keep its 7.2-million-bpd production cuts, which recently drove Brent over $70 a barrel, albeit briefly. If the cartel continues to limit production, the global oil market will swing into a deficit of some 3.5-3.6 percent of demand, according to Princeton Energy Advisors. And this deficit has the genuine potential to drive oil price closer to $100.

    Yet nothing is certain, even with improving demand. China’s oil storage space is filled to capacity, according to reports. In India, another major driver of global demand, fuel prices have gone so high they are dampening demand. And the country is already looking for alternative suppliers to the Middle Eastern members of OPEC because current prices are too high for it.

    Not all forecasters are so bullish, however. A recent Reuters poll revealed a consensus price projection of $59.07 a barrel for Brent crude. Individual forecasts vary from $50-70 over the next five years, according to Bank of America, to $67 a barrel this year, according to Barclays, and $75 by the third quarter, according to Goldman Sachs.

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