
   2021-03-17 互联网讯


核心提示:     据钻探承包商网站3月15日报道,雷斯塔能源(Rystad Energy)预计,圭亚那的勘探活动将大幅增加,2

     据钻探承包商网站3月15日报道,雷斯塔能源(Rystad Energy)预计,圭亚那的勘探活动将大幅增加,2021年计划在海上钻探16口井。

    据持有Canje partner JHI Associates股份的西山能源(Westmount Energy)称,今年第一口完井Bulletwood-1位于埃克森美孚(Exxonmobil)运营的Canje区块,该井遇到了优质储层,但非商业性油气。该井的目标是超过5亿桶的平均预期资源,其前景与邻近的Stabroek区块的Liza类似。



    雷斯塔上游分析师Santosh Kumar表示,根据雷斯塔能源公司的数据显示,在过去6年里,该国每一口探井(包括探井和评估井)平均已发现近3亿桶石油当量。2021年计划将有大约16口探井,其中一些位于风险较高的前沿地区,2021年前景一片看好。

    随着来宝公司Noble Sam Croft今年4月的到来,埃克森美孚在圭亚那的承包钻井船将增加到6艘。雷斯塔还指出,目前有三艘钻井船正在大Liza地区进行开发钻井活动。来自Stena Drilling公司的Stena DrillMAX已经开始在Longtail-2评估井进行钻井作业,而Stena Carron钻井船最近完成了Bulletwood-1的钻井作业,现在正在Canje区块开钻Jabilo -1探井。

    郝芬 译自 Drilling Contractor


    Exploration activity in Guyana expected to increase in 2021

    Rystad Energy expects exploration activity to pick up significantly in Guyana, with 16 wells planned offshore in 2021.

    The year’s first completed well, Bulletwood-1 in the ExxonMobil-operated Canje block, encountered quality reservoirs but non-commercial hydrocarbons, according to Westmount Energy, which holds a stake in Canje partner JHI Associates. The well was targeting more than 500 million bbl of mean prospective resources in a prospect similar to Liza in the neighboring Stabroek block.

    Guyana’s exploration activity will be spearheaded by ExxonMobil as operator of the Stabroek and Canje blocks. Having set an ambitious divestment target of $15 billion by offloading mature assets in Asia, Europe, and Africa, the US supermajor is expected to prioritize investments in high-value assets such as Stabroek.

    Rystad said ExxonMobil’s drilling activity will focus on firming up resources in the southeastern part of the Stabroek block, where the operator identified deeper plays underneath the existing discoveries and is now eyeing the unexplored northwestern parts of the block. In addition, work is lined up on the Canje block.

    “Rystad Energy data suggests that close to 300 million barrels of oil equivalent has been discovered on average for each exploration well – wildcat and appraisal – drilled in the country over the past six years. With around 16 exploration wells planned, including some in riskier frontier regions, 2021 holds a lot of promise,” said Santosh Kumar, Upstream Analyst at Rystad.

    ExxonMobil’s fleet of contracted drillships in Guyana is set to increase to six with the arrival of the Noble Corp’s Noble Sam Croft in April. Rystad also noted that three drillships are currently performing development drilling activity in the greater Liza area. The recently arrived Stena DrillMAX from Stena Drilling already initiated drilling activities on the Longtail-2 appraisal well, while the Stena Carron drillship, which recently concluded drilling Bulletwood-1, has now spud the Jabillo-1 exploration well in the Canje block.

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