
   2021-03-16 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源新闻3月15日新闻消息称,荷兰皇家壳牌公司在马来西亚的子公司表示,正在考虑出售其在沙捞越



    Baram Delta EOR和SK307的产量分成合同由Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd运营,该公司是国家能源公司马来西亚国家石油公司的子公司。壳牌沙捞越公司拥有Baram Delta 40%的股权和SK307的50%的股权,Petronas Carigali持有其余股权。


    朱佳妮 摘译自 能源新闻


    Royal Dutch Shell mulls sale of non-operated assets in Malaysia

    Royal Dutch Shell PLC's Malaysia unit said it is considering selling its stakes in two production-sharing contracts it does not operate off the coast of Sarawak state.

    In a statement on Friday, Shell Malaysia said the decision to consider divestment options is part of Shell Group's strategy to focus and increase resilience and competitiveness in its upstream business.

    The Baram Delta EOR and the SK307 production-sharing contracts are operated by Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, a unit of state energy firm Petronas. Sarawak Shell Berhad owns a 40% equity interest in Baram Delta and 50% in SK307, with Petronas Carigali holding the remainder.

    "Shell Malaysia remains committed to supporting the operator in delivering safe and smooth operations until completion of a sale to a credible buyer," said Shell, which has been operating in Malaysia for 130 years.

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