
   2021-03-18 互联网讯


核心提示:     据安迅思纽约3月16日消息,陶氏化学首席财务官3月16日表示,预计到3月底,美国德克萨斯州的裂解装


    陶氏化学首席财务官霍华德•昂格莱德(Howard Ungerleider)在摩根大通组织的电话会议上表示:“从今天起,我很高兴地宣布,除了位于色宾河附近的一套装置外,陶氏化学在美国墨西哥湾沿岸的所有裂解装置都已投入运行,色宾河裂解装置将于本月底重启。”


    张春晓 摘译自 ICIS


    Dow expects Texas cracker operating rates at 80% by end-March, full rates by end-April - CFO

    Dow expects to ramp up its Texas cracker operating rates to 80% by the end of March, and achieve full rates by the end of April as it recovers from the impacts of the severe winter storm and freeze, its CFO said on Tuesday.

    “As of today, I’m pleased to report that all of our crackers on Dow’s US Gulf Coast are operational with the one exception being Sabine River, and Sabine will restart at the end of this month,” said Dow CFO Howard Ungerleider on a JPMorgan conference call.

    He expects all of Dow’s plants impacted by the winter storm to continue to ramp up through the end of March and into April as it deals with some raw material constraints and conducts freeze damage repairs.“In general, I would say we expect our Texas assets to be at 80% rates by the end of the month, and full rates at some point before the end of April,” said Ungerleider.

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