
   2021-03-17 互联网讯


核心提示:     据天然气新闻新加坡报道,6家知名航运市场参与者在3月12日发表的一份联合声明中表示,他们将联合


    参与本次可行性研究的有丹麦穆勒-马士基有限公司、香港船队管理有限公司、新加坡吉宝海工海事公司、马士基Mc-Kinney Moller 零碳航运中心、日本住友商事株式会社和挪威雅苒国际有限公司。


    挪威雅苒国际有限公司旗下的雅苒清洁氨公司执行副总裁Magnus Ankarstrand在声明中表示,“作为能源载体的氨是能源转型的推动者,我们认识到需要通过价值链合作来实现使用氨作为燃料的零排放海运。”


    李峻 编译自 天然气新闻


    Maritime players partner to explore ammonia as bunker fuel in Singapore

    Six high-profile shipping market participants have joined forces to conduct a feasibility study into setting up a supply chain to provide green ammonia for ship-to-ship bunkering at the Port of Singapore, the partners said in a joint statement March 10.

    The participants in the study are A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, Fleet Management Limited, Keppel Offshore & Marine, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, Sumitomo Corporation and Yara International ASA.

    The study aims to cover the entire end-to-end supply chain of ammonia bunkering, including the development of a cost-effective green ammonia supply chain, design of ammonia bunkering vessels and related supply chain infrastructure, the partners said in the statement.

    "Ammonia as energy carrier is an enabler of the energy transition and we recognize the need for value chain collaboration to make zero emission shipping by using ammonia as a fuel a reality," Magnus Ankarstrand, EVP of Yara Clean Ammonia, a unit of Yara International, said in the statement.

    Green ammonia is produced solely from renewable electricity, water and air and has no CO2 emissions.

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