阿根廷YPF将在Vaca Muerta页岩盆地投资15亿美元

   2021-03-26 互联网讯


核心提示:     据俄罗斯油气网3月24日消息称,国有能源巨头YPF计划投资超过15亿美元,以提高Vaca Muerta地层的油

     据俄罗斯油气网3月24日消息称,国有能源巨头YPF计划投资超过15亿美元,以提高Vaca Muerta地层的油气产量。

    根据EIA的数据,Vaca Muerta拥有阿根廷270亿桶技术可采页岩油资源的近2/3,以及令人印象深刻的308万亿立方英尺可采天然气资源。

    Vaca Muerta的重要性是如此之大,以至于只需要开发其中一小部分就可以弥补该国的能源赤字。据Rystad Energy称,在2020年12月,页岩油和天然气的产量达到了创纪录的124000桶/天。

    Vaca Muerta的水力压裂技术可能是阿根廷走出经济危机的门票。但是,要想在十年之内将排放量从2007年的水平减少19%,采取这种方法将变得更加困难。根据2015年的《巴黎协定》,每个国家都必须尽其所能减少排放。

    随着全球在优先应对气候变化问题上达成共识,那些在接受可再生能源方面行动迟缓的国家可能会落在后面。Vaca Muerta可能是阿根廷获得出口美元的最快途径,阿根廷迫切需要出口美元以确保更光明的未来。而挖掘其潜在利润的时间已经不多了。

    曹海斌 摘译自俄罗斯油气网


    Argentine energy company YPF to invest $1.5 billion in the Vaca Muerta shale basin

    State-run energy giant YPF plans to invest more than $1.5 billion to ramp up oil & gas production in the giant Vaca Muerta formation.

    According to the EIA the Vaca Muerta holds almost 2/3 of Argentina’s estimated 27 billion barrels of technically recoverable shale oil resources along with an impressive 308 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas resources.

    The relevance of Vaca Muerta is so significant that the development of only a small part of this formation could cover the country’s energy deficit. According to Rystad Energy oil production from the shale oil & natural gas play reached a record high of 124,000 barrels daily during December 2020.

    Fracking in Vaca Muerta could be Argentina's ticket out of economic crisis. But taking that route will make it much harder to cut emissions 19% from 2007 levels by the end of the decade. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, every country must do as much as it can to cut emissions.

    As global consensus grows over the need to prioritise fighting climate change, countries that are slow to embrace renewables risk being left behind. Vaca Muerta is probably Argentina's quickest path to the export dollars it desperately needs to secure a brighter future. And time is running out to tap its potential profits.​

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