Saga Pure收购液态氢存储技术公司股份

   2021-03-26 互联网讯


核心提示:     据3月25日offshore energy消息:挪威绿色投资公司Saga Pure最近将重点从航运转向可再生能源,已承

     据3月25日offshore energy消息:挪威绿色投资公司Saga Pure最近将重点从航运转向可再生能源,已承诺以私募方式认购3000万挪威克朗(合350万美元)的IC Technologies AS (ICT)新股。



    “氢价值链中的关键要素之一是存储,分配和运输。液态氢是氢中能量密度最高的形式,但目前液态氢的储存解决方案并不理想,因为氢会随着时间逐渐蒸发。” Saga Pure首席执行官Bj?rnSimonsen解释说。




    作为私募的一部分,Saga Pure已经签署了一项期权协议,授予Saga公司进一步投资3000万挪威克朗的权利。此次私募的完成取决于公司近期里程碑的成功。

    本周早些时候,Saga Pure签署协议,在卑尔根碳解决方案公司(BCS)的私募中认购1500万挪威克朗。BCS公司开发了一种将二氧化碳转化为碳纳米纤维的技术。Saga在2020年12月宣布对该公司进行初步投资。

    2021年3月23日,Saga Pure还签署了一项协议,向Heimdall Power投资7500万挪威克朗,以帮助加速公司的增长战略。海姆达尔电力公司为高效的电网监控和运营提供数字化解决方案。交易完成后,Saga Pure将持有该公司16.5%的股份。

    冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy


    Saga Pure acquires stake in liquid hydrogen storage tech firm

    Saga Pure, a Norwegian green investment company that recently switched its focus from shipping to renewables, has committed to subscribe for NOK 30 million ($3.5 million) in a private placement of new shares in IC Technologies AS (ICT).

    based in Trondheim, Norway, ICT is developing a storage solution for liquid hydrogen and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

    Following the private placement, Saga will have a stake of approximately 33% in the company.

    “One of the crucial elements in the hydrogen value chain is storage, distribution and transportation. Liquid hydrogen is the most energy dense form of hydrogen, but current storage solutions for liquid hydrogen are not ideal, as the hydrogen gradually evaporates over time,” Bj?rn Simonsen, CEO of Saga Pure, explained.

    “ICT has developed and patented a new storage solution which involves active cooling, potentially eliminating these losses as well as enabling a more flexible tank design. We’re excited to become a shareholder in ICT, and look forward to an active ownership in the company through the board as the technology is being further developed.”

    ICT focuses on the development of new storage and distribution solutions for cryogenic gases, which employs an active cooling solution, potentially eliminating boil-off, as well as enabling a more flexible tank design, and higher capacity utilization.

    “We see hydrogen as one of the next, big megatrends, and believe the technology being developed by ICT, can play an important role in transport and storage of hydrogen on a global scale. The fact that the technology is also highly relevant for storage and distribution of liquid natural gas, opens up interesting near-term market opportunities as well,” Simonsen concluded.

    As part of the Private Placement, Saga Pure has entered an option agreement which gives Saga the right to further invest NOK 30 million in the company. Completion of the private placement is subject to the success of certain near-term company milestones.

    Earlier this week, Saga Pure entered into agreements to subscribe for NOK 15 million in a private placement in Bergen Carbon Solutions AS (BCS). BCS has developed a technology for converting CO2 to carbon nanofibers. Saga announced an initial investment in the company in December 2020.

    On 23 March 2021, Saga Pure also signed an agreement to invest NOK 75 million in Heimdall Power AS to help accelerate the company’s growth strategy. Heimdall Power provides digital solutions for efficient power grid monitoring and operations. Saga Pure will hold 16,5 percent of the company following the transaction.

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