
   2021-03-31 互联网讯


核心提示:     据安迅思3月30日消息称,为了实现到2050年实现气候中立和零排放的宏伟目标,全球石化巨头巴斯夫大



    2018年,巴斯夫集团的全球排放量为2190万吨二氧化碳当量。1990年,这个数字大约是现在的两倍。新的2030年减排目标是在1990年的基础上减排约60%,超过欧盟的减排目标- 55%。

    巴斯夫公司执行董事会主席Dr. Martin Brudermuller表示:“新的气候目标强调了我们的决心和巴斯夫对巴黎气候协议的承诺。气候变化是21世纪最大的挑战。作为回应,我们必须调整我们的流程和产品组合。我们现在需要加快这一转变。我们首先必须集中注意这一旅程的最初步骤,而不是最后步骤。因此,巴斯夫将增加对可再生能源的使用。而且,我们将加快开发和部署用于生产化学品的新型无二氧化碳工艺。”


    朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思


    BASF to invest up to USD4.7 bln to cut emissions 25% by 2030

    In pursue of more ambitious goals on its journey to climate neutrality and net zero emissions by 2050, BASF, the world's petrochemical major, is also significantly raising its medium-term 2030 target for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions: the company now wants to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by 25% compared with 2018 – and to achieve this despite targeted growth and the construction of a large Verbund site in Asia.

    Excluding the effects of the planned growth, this means cutting CO2 emissions in half in the current business by the end of this decade. Overall, BASF plans to invest up to EUR1 billion by 2025 to reach its new climate target and a further EUR2 billion to EUR3 billion by 2030. Thus, BASF will invest up to EUR4.0 billion (US4.7 billion) to cut its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25% by 2030 compared with 2018.

    In 2018, BASF Group’s worldwide emissions amounted to 21.9 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents. In 1990, this figure was roughly twice as high. The new 2030 emissions goal represents a reduction of approximately 60% compared to 1990 levels, which exceeds the European Union’s target of minus 55%.

    “The new climate goals underscore our determination and BASF’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement. Climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century. In response, we must adapt our processes and our product portfolio. We need to accelerate this transformation now. We must first concentrate on the initial steps of this journey, not the final ones. That is why BASF will increase its use of renewable energies. And we will accelerate the development and deployment of new CO2-free processes for the production of chemicals.” said Dr. Martin Brudermuller, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE.

    At the heart of the long-term transition toward net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 is the use of new technologies, which will replace fossil fuels such as natural gas with electricity from renewable sources. Most of these technologies are being pioneered by BASF in collaboration with partners and are currently in a pilot stage. Broad scaleup of these technologies will only be fully realizable after 2030. In order to accelerate the avoidance of CO2 emissions prior to that date, BASF also continues to systematically implement continuous improvement processes for existing production plants. In addition, BASF will progressively switch to renewable sources to meet its electricity needs and intends to invest in wind parks to facilitate this.​

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